The Society doesn't loudly report the number of baptized members. It is more interested in average publishers, and then peak publishers in any specific month of reporting. (The publishers can include children and those in the "pipeline" for baptism. The Memorial attendance also is given more importance every year, since it more than doubles the publishers.
But after they've already boosted the numbers by counting publishers (even children) and then tried out the new 15-minute reporting rule, to count a few extra publishers who might have perhaps become irregular and finally inactive otherwise -- what's next?
I'm thinking maybe they should look into a way to start geting credit for the memorial attendeers (MA's). They wouldn't want to take the whole 100% increase in one year, for fear it might drop the next year. I think they should do it like this:
2004: allow MA's to pick up a survey at the back of the hall that includes a question on whether they have ever promoted JW doctrine to anyone since last Memorial. (10% increase)
2005: hand the survey to all MA's this year (another 10% increase)
2006: take names and addresses and mail them this year with a follow up call (another 10%)
2007: go to their house, interview them, and fill out the survey for them (another 10%)
2008: change the question to "have you ever said the words: "Jehovah, Jehovah's Witness(es), or Kingdom Hall" this year in a positive context? (another 10%)
2009: add a supplementary question: "Have you ever mentioned the above words in any context whatsoever?" (another 10%)
2010: This year add: "What the hell? Have you ever used term "God" "Jesus" "Christ" "Lord" "Almighty" in any context, or any combination, swearing or otherwise? (That should get the rest of 'em)