You Know is a true...

by Abaddon 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    pain in the ass...

    You know everyone, You Know reminds me of 'Life of Brian', do you know that You Know? You know the scene You Know, the one in the marketplace with the prophets all blathering on about their individual brand of utter nonsense?


    ... and shall ride forth on a serpents' back, and the eyes shall be red with the blood of living creatures, and the whore of Babylon shall rise over the hill of excitement and throughout the land there will be a great rubbing of parts ...


    And he shall bear a nine-bladed sword. Nine-bladed. Not two. Or five or seven, but nine, which he shall wield on all wretched sinners and that includes you sir, and the horns shall be on the head ...


    And there shall in that time be rumours of things going astray, and there will be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia work base, that has an attachment they will not be there.


    At this time a friend shall lose his friends's hammer and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before ...

    The only thing 'special' about You Know (other than his educational needs) is the fact he manages to spin ALL THREE of the architypical (hahaha) prophets into one. Threats, lies and UTTER boredom. Wow! What a talent!

    Of course, it's not nice to mock the mentally ill (although in You Know's case I'm willing to make an exception), but I see little point in engaging anyone as deluded as You Know in conversation, as he is so in denial he is halfway up the fucking Amazon, and I don't mean the dot com. You could prove that black is black and he would still say it was green.

    The worst thing of all is that he is, one way or another, completely monomanical. Even if he IS just having a laugh and doesn't believe that shit, to spend the amount of time he does obsessing is unbalanced.

    IF you are joking You Know... hey, stop drinking coffee, turn the computer OFF, go get some fresh air, okay?

    But I don't think he's joking, which is very scarey.

    Basically his cognotive dissonance has reached such proportions he is driven to activities that stop him facing what he already subconciously knows; that the JW's are wrong, dangerously flawed and manipulative.

    It's just too big a step - he would have to give up everything that makes his sorry-ass life worthwhile, as outside of the Borg he has very little in the way of useful skills other than as a laughing stock.

    Leaving the Borg would mean no one to look up to him (although the way we feel for him is probably matched in his own congregation as he has the social skills of a female Praying Mantis and is probably sickeningly self-rightous IRL), no status, no answers to everything, no feeling special 'cause 'you know' god's <<truth>>.

    So he monomanically 'proves' himself right time and time again, to bolster his sagging faith. And he doesn't get that the only person he impresses is himself (he just depresses the rest of us).

    Of course, he has reached ahead of the Borg with his own bespoke predicitions of doom and gloom, and is as much an 'apostate' as any of us here. His views, even if he didn't tell brothers and sisters in general about them, would lead to his disfellowshipping for apostatcy if they became known; thought crime.

    His fraternising with apostates on this web-site is also against society guidelines. But, they don't mean HIM.

    You Know is a super-fine apostle, so we can't effect him. Or, in plain English, You Know is such a deluded asshole, that nothing you say will make any difference.

    His knowledge of science is enough to make him dangerous (a little knowledge is a dangerous thing), but not enough for him to understand when you show that he's misapplied/distorted facts or is just plain old fashioned WRONG. And as he doesn't know enough to see that there is huge proof for humans being older than the Bible allows for, he thinks that the Bible is god's word, and carries on chirupping about it even though extracts from the Karma Sutra would be of greater relevance and interest.

    Of course, he's amusing to poke with a stick every now and then, or to tease or bait, but BOY does his stench get old quickly.

    So You Know, you know we know you know You Know?

    Very sorry to sink to a post dedicated to Ad Hominum, but it's in a deserving cause. I would like to suggest we just ignore him. If no one sucks his ego by replying to him for a while his reasons for posting will drive him elsewhere, as he needs the responce from us to 'prove' himself right, and without that will start to feel bad as he might actually have a moment or two when he thinks for himself. Ouch.

    I know it's hard as I want to slap him senseless everytime I read his dribble, and I'll probably break my own resolution, but it's 'just an idea'.

  • Cliff Jackson
    Cliff Jackson

    Is You Know a JW, or just a delusional prophet of another sort? Can you tell me anyone here who IS a JW?

    Check forums. They have 1,000s of posts and topics to choose from. The JW site is closed to the general public. Does anyone know Xatheist who is a JW in the Houston area?

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Baby, the scariest thing about YK is that he genuinely believes he is anointed and a Priest-King brother of Jesus H. Christ! He's gonna lord it over everyone who's left after the big slaughter orgy.

    So all the ridicule and snickering he gets here and at his local KH are just part of the price he has to pay for being so fricking special to Jehovah. And like one of his idols, Elijah, he fully expects his skydaddy to rip us all to shreds any day for our ridicule. He slaveringly awaits that bloodbath as part of his heavenly birthright!

    Ask Bobby how he KNOWS he has 'THE truth'...(hint: it has to do with LSD and ddeminz!!!)

    This is not just a pathetic loser, Abaddon, this is a genuinely disturbed megalomaniac. I think that if his skydaddy doesn't start something soon, Bobby might try to help him out a tad. His rants have certainly taken a more spittle-poppin' turn of late...

    time for COMF to post his YK pic again! Hey Fred, how about it?

  • You Know
    You Know

    You are only unwittingly adding to my legend. LOL / You Know

  • Cliff Jackson
    Cliff Jackson

    Speak up man! What or who are you? I bet there are no real JWs here, right? The real JW site will not allow anyone else to even enter their site.

    Are we just preaching to the choir?

  • TR

    You Know,

    This pic describes your legend:

    "cults suck"

  • joelbear

    LOL. I agree with You Know. He loves to rattle cages and many jump up and down and holler and prove to him that he is as important as he thinks he is.

    is it recess yet? hugs


    I know you are but what am I. nya nya.

  • Abaddon

    Cliff Jackson; I haven't been asked who or what I am since I last wore drag!! I'm Abaddon. You know, Angel of the Abyss. Called Apollyon in Greek. I might be Jesus and I might be Satan, and the Borg have changed their mind on what I am at least once

    Either that or I'm some bloke behind a keyboard in Holland.

    You say "I bet there are no real JWs here, right?" Haven't the foggiest idea. There are some people who go to meetings here, but as your phrase 'real JWs' is fraught with semantic difficulties. You Know probably thinks he is a green-beret JW, an elite, but would get DF'd in seconds if he opened his mouth, so is he a 'real' JW? By his terms... yes, by others, you have to be kidding!

    You also say "The real JW site will not allow anyone else to even enter their site."

    Well, there are numerous JW discussion groups, some xJW, some JW, and the JW ones can be fussey about membership. However, there is no real JW site that has a discussion board - the only official site is a little PR job by Brooklyn - so 'real' again means nothing.

    You ask "Are we just preaching to the choir?". Yes, and, so, what?

    You also say "Tell me about your God!"; sorry, there is no god... join the queue for refunds...

    You Know; serious question; do you own a gun? I am concerned about your safety and that of your neighbours, as if you are as mentally ill as you seem to be you might do something stupid. If you hurt yourself it would be sad, but it would be tragic if your dementia lead you to harm someone else.

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