Has anyone here joined OA or any of its sister organizations? I know I'm a compulsive eater - I can remember sneaking food when I was 8 or 9 years old, and it's just gotten worse from there on out. I went to my first OA meeting last Saturday and have (amazingly) managed to remain "abstinent" (three meals a day with nothing in between) for almost the entire week. I've lost 5 lbs, too, which is nice but not the main issue. What I'm concerned about is how those of you who might be agnostic or atheist dealt with step #2: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." I dont know if there is such a power, and if there is some higher power, would he care to "restore (me) to sanity"? Also, sometimes I freak out when I read the literature because it almost seems cultish, but I know I'm just reacting from the fright of leaving the dubs. Anyway, I'd love to hear what people think of OA, how they've managed the steps, how they're doing now, etc. Thank you!
Overeaters Anonymous
by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! 4 Replies latest jw friends
Been there
Sorry kitties, I have not done that program. I have a cousin who did and got great results while doing it. I just wanted to wish you luck on your journey. One small step at a time gets you to your goal. Keep on walking.
Kitties... congrats! Piph told me that you were joining the program... good for you.
Hopefully there'll be someone here who's been through the program who can give you some more experienced input. But here's my two cents (if that)... I think that the higher power can be whatever you want it to be. It can be the power of the human spirit. It can be the power of love-based thinking. It can be the organizing force in nature. They key is, it should be whatever gives you the feeling that things should be, can be, and will be better. Does that make any sense?
Congrats kitties on taking that giant step to health and well being!
I've lost 5 lbs, too, which is nice but not the main issue.
Minor victories lead to major strides! I think it's wonderful and remember it's sometimes an ounce at a time, minuet by minuet until the increments increase gradually.........don't get discouraged along the way is what I'm trying to say keep your own personal goal in focus!
Euph is right:
I think that the higher power can be whatever you want it to be. It can be the power of the human spirit. It can be the power of love-based thinking. It can be the organizing force in nature. They key is, it should be whatever gives you the feeling that things should be, can be, and will be better. Does that make any sense?
That's what I learned in 12 step programs. Ask your group, they have delt with this before lots of people have no belief system what so ever so the higher power concept evaids them as well.
For me personally whenever I hear the word god I imediately replace it with Universe.......somehow that does it for me.
BTW I recently joined a woman's gym called Curves, it's awesome you can check it out on the web at www.curves.com There might be one near you?
Best of luck to you!
Thanks guys for all the supportl I went to my second meeting this morning. It's such a freeing experience to be truly open and honest about a part of me that I thought was unloveable. I really like the idea of looking at the higher power as the natural order in the universe that makes things work out right. You know, I wrote a paper for my Biology class and one of the sources I came across said that perhaps there's just a natural order in the universe and it makes life not only a possibility, but a probability - that there's something driving us to evolve. Anyway, it was an interesting idea.
I had a pretty good day with my eating but learned a new lesson: I have to eat a decent size meal when I do eat. I ate a really small lunch and ended up having to eat again at 3:30 cause I was absolutely starving and couldn't wait till dinner. But I figure it's a lesson learned, and I'll keep going.
By the way euph - drwtsn sent me a link to the pix - you and your wife are beautiful together! Please give her my love.