Something good at last from the WBTS!

by dmouse 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Just got a look at the new JW calendar for 2004.

    Usually it's nauseating crap about preaching the good news around the globe, or like last year's effort, about how the 'truth' changes people from axe-weilding maniacs to nice Christian family men.

    This year's calendar is OK though. No comments at all about how wonderful Jehovah's Witnesses are, in fact no editorial at all, just reasonable quality nature photos and a snipet of scripture about the beauty of nature or God's qualities.

    These are probably suitable for the general public too - next time the JWs visit ask them for some for you to give out as Christmas presents!

  • iiz2cool

    Too bad some of the scenery is being obscured by this. I hope this isn't done on all the photos. But I'm sure it's a welcome change for alot of people.

    Edited cuz the pic wasn't showing

  • jayhawk1

    I Can't see your picture iiz2cool. Well, now I can see your picture.

    Dmouse, couldn't agree with you more. It is nice to see a nature calender instead of preaching pictures.

  • rocketman
  • Huxley

    This year's calendar is so lame. It has those pictures of ex-punks and hippies that are now part of the bland new world society. The part that cracked me up was the photo of the punk guy, and in his bio it said something like, "...he even got a tattoo that reflected his belief in anarchy." Then it shows him in his "new life" as a chubby Husband in a primary colored shirt washing dishes in the suburbs. The extremes are pretty funny.


  • petespal2002

    I had a "call" on a lady who always took Bible Story Books to give out as xmas pressies!

  • Huxley

    Dmouse, I don't know if I would say "good", how about, "sucks less" ;-)


  • Valis

    What is next? T-shirts with "Go Jehovah!" on the front? I'm wondering how much money they will make off their new calendar, and Walter...the paranoia nver ends does it?


    District Overbeer

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