Biblical Unitarians ? / Christian Educational Services?

by hooberus 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hooberus

    There is a popular website that advertsies on many forums including here and e-bay. This group is called "Biblical Unitarians" I believe that they are associated with "Christian Educational Services"

    I believe that there are several problems with the beliefs of this group.

    Not only do they deny that Jesus existed as God before he was born to Mary, but they deny that he existed at all in any form before being born to Mary. Even the Watchtower admits that Jesus pre-existed his being born to mary (though they believe that He was an angel.)

    The following is from the site:

    "There is no question that Jesus figuratively ?existed? in Abraham?s time . However, he did not actually physically exist as a person; rather he ?existed? in the mind of God as God?s plan for the redemption of man ."

  • logansrun
    I believe that there are several problems with the beliefs of this group.

    I believe you are wrong.


  • gumby

    Not only do they deny that Jesus existed as God before he was born to Mary, but they deny that he existed at all in any form before being born to Mary.

    Hmmmm......sounds like their right on to me.


  • mizpah


    From the information on their site, I understood it as you did. If you look up the information listed under John 1:1 it goes into even more detail about their views. As I understand it, these Unitarians do not believe that the "Word" was Jesus in his prehuman existence.

  • JosephMalik

    Not only do they deny that Jesus existed as God before he was born to Mary, but they deny that he existed at all in any form before being born to Mary. Even the Watchtower admits that Jesus pre-existed his being born to mary (though they believe that He was an angel.)


    You are correct and I see this as a serious flaw in their doctrine. They do not seem to understand John1:1, and stumble over the Word being called God in scripture. So they engage in this fanciful and philosophical view that can be disproved rather easily.

    How the Word came into existence and for that matter how any of the non-human Sons of God came into existence is not discussed in scripture. We do not know the-when or the-how or even the-order in which such non-human Sons came to be. But that such Sons did exist as real Beings and that many did fall away should be clear to all as this is how and why redemption became necessary for human beings in the first place.

    That one such Son called the Word created mankind is made clear to us by John. And the fact that such Word became the only begotten (human) Son of the Father is also made clear to us by John. That such a faithful non-human nature became human in this way is what qualifies this human being to now redeem us as. Adam came into literal existence by the Word as creator of man and not by God directly. The Word was the only human being to come into existence by God directly thus only-begotten Son. And this is why such a human could now return to His prior existence and reclaim not only His non-human nature but also the nature of man, which He will use once again in His Kingdom. So this is not some small thing that can be overlooked and I have tried to get this point over to them.


  • barry

    I rember that the Christadephians also beleive Jesus existed only in the mind odf God before he was born into this world. Barry

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