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  • VeniceIT

    Spoilers to anyone who has not read 'The Davinci Code'


    ABC Television Network
    October 28, 2003

    The best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code has sparked a vigorous debate by
    raising a number of provocative questions -- most notably, was the
    historical Jesus really a married man? Could he have even been a father? Do
    his direct descendants still survive today? In an hour-long ABC News
    special, "Jesus, Mary and da Vinci," Elizabeth Vargas explores these and
    other controversial theories about the lives of Jesus and Mary Magdalene,
    who some scholars believe was not a prostitute, as she is often portrayed,
    but rather Jesus' wife -- and perhaps even the mother of his child. "Jesus,
    Mary and da Vinci" airs MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC
    Television Network.

    The Da Vinci Code, a mystery novel that claims to be based in part on
    historical fact, contains claims that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife, that
    she fled Jerusalem following his crucifixion carrying their child -- and
    that she was perhaps the legendary Holy Grail herself. In France, Jesus'
    descendants married into French royalty. This story, it is said, was long
    protected and perpetuated by a secret society of some of the most famous men
    in history, including Leonardo da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton.

    Vargas travels to the Holy Land, Italy, Scotland, France and other locations
    around the world to investigate what evidence exists to support some of
    these extraordinary claims in an effort to separate fact from legend. Among
    those she speaks with are religion and art history scholars, as well as a
    Scottish aristocrat who says he thinks his family married into Jesus'
    bloodline in the 12th century -- though he assures Vargas that, if true, the
    blood line, "by the time it gets to me...will be very, very, very diluted."

    Vargas finds plenty of disagreement among theologians and historians about
    whether there is evidence to suggest that Jesus was married. "The weight of
    evidence that we have suggests to me the contrary, that in fact he was a
    celibate," says Elaine Pagels of Princeton University. "I think it's
    entirely plausible to think that Jesus may have been married," counters
    Karen King of Harvard University. "It was a normal practice for Jewish men.
    It would also be normal not to mention that he had a wife." In the Bible
    there is no mention of Jesus being married.

    One thing several authorities interviewed agree on is that Mary Magdalene's
    portrayal as a prostitute is attributable to mistaken identity, and her
    importance may have been grossly understated -- or, as some charge,
    purposely suppressed by the Church. "There's no factual basis for that
    longstanding tradition that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, a woman of ill
    repute," says Father Richard McBrien of Notre Dame University. "Mary
    Magdalene is one of the greatest saints in the history of the church."


    By David Bauder
    Associated Press
    October 30, 2003

    NEW YORK - ABC News correspondent Elizabeth Vargas concedes her network is
    stepping into a theological minefield with its one-hour exploration of
    whether Jesus Christ had a wife.

    The ABC News special, "Jesus, Mary and DaVinci," is scheduled to air Monday
    at 8 p.m. ET.

    "You can't talk about this subject without intriguing people or offending
    people," Vargas said Thursday. "We're trying to do it as respectfully as we

    ABC screened the special for some reporters and religious leaders on
    Thursday. The program is based on the best-selling novel, "The DaVinci
    Code," which claims to be partly grounded on historical fact.

    The book asserts that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife -- not a prostitute, as
    in some teachings -- and that she fled Jerusalem with his child following
    his crucifixion.

    The story was kept alive for centuries by a secret society that included the
    painter Leonardo DaVinci, who supposedly inserted clues about it in his art,
    the book claimed.

    The ABC special outlines the theories and speaks to several theologians who
    either discount the story or assert that it is possible.

    The show unravels like a mystery perpetuated by secondhand gossip. Vargas
    said ABC found no proof that Jesus had a wife, but couldn't completely
    discount it, either.

    Vargas, who was raised a Roman Catholic, said her own parents said to her,
    "Oh, my goodness, what are you doing?" when they found out she was working
    on the story.

    She said she was never aware of the power struggles and political intrigue
    that went into how her faith is taught today.

    "For me, it's made religion more real and, ironically, much more interesting
    -- which is what we're hoping to do for our viewers," she said.

    It drew some immediate criticism, particularly from a representative of the
    Catholic League, who said ABC News relied too heavily on the opinion of
    Father Richard McBrien of Notre Dame, who believes Mary Magdalene's
    importance has been historically understated and that it's possible she was
    his wife.

    "I think it was not sufficiently balanced," said Joseph DeFeo, policy
    analyst for the Catholic League. "The majority of the people who spoke
    believed in either the plausibility or the outright truth of ('DaVinci Code'
    author) Dan Brown's claims. The facts themselves scream out that this is a
    crackpot theory."

    The show even drew criticism from Nikki Stephanopoulos, mother of ABC News
    correspondent George and the communications director for the Greek Orthodox
    Archdiocese of America. She the special might offend people who believe that
    women have a more prominent role in the church.


    By Deborah Caldwell, Beliefnet's senior religion producer

    Before the "Left Behind" <> series catapulted to
    the top of the bestseller list, the idea that Christians could be lifted
    bodily into the clouds during the Rapture was an idea that only obscure
    theologians studied. These days, of course, lots of people believe that's
    what will happen the day the world ends.

    Now a new novel is forcing people to confront another biblical puzzle. The
    DaVinci Code <>, a thriller by Dan Brown, tells the
    story of a Harvard professor summoned to the Louvre Museum after a murder
    there to examine cryptic symbols relating to DaVinci's work. During the
    course of his investigation, he uncovers an ancient secret: the claim that
    Mary Magdalene represents the divine feminine, and that she and Jesus had a
    sexual relationship.

    Is it possible Jesus had this kind of relationship with her or that they
    were, as some suggest, married?

    Karen Leigh King <>, a
    Harvard professor who is the world's leading authority on early Christian
    texts about Mary Magdalene, gives "The DaVinci Code" a thumbs-up--but only
    as fiction. ("It's a good read but historically way off.")

    "The book certainly fits our timesÅ . Since the 1960s there has been a
    hostility toward traditions in Christianity that are anti-sexuality," says
    King, adding that the novel also plays to interest in women's issues.

    But, she says: "there's no historical information whatsoever that either of
    them was married, let alone to each other. When there's an argument from
    silence, you can jump either way. On one hand, why not? Why shouldn't they
    have sex? On the other hand, why every time you put a man and woman together
    do they have to have sex?"

    The possibility of Jesus' marriage fascinates people; biblical scholars say
    they are often asked by audiences and readers about it. In general, only the
    most liberal scholars even bother to entertain the question.

    Here is what we can say about Jesus' sex life:

    - Most mainstream biblical scholars do not believe Jesus was married to
    anyone, because the Gospels don't mention it.

    - A few biblical scholars argue it's likely Jesus was married -- even though
    the Bible doesn't mention it -- because Jewish men at that time nearly
    always married <>. These
    scholars tend not to care one way or another whether his wife was Mary

    - A handful of scholars argue that Jesus was married
    <>, probably to Mary Magdalene,
    in order to preserve a political dynasty <> and
    to continue a bloodline.

    Conservative biblical scholars think the entire question is silly, since the
    notion simply isn't in the Bible. "Mary Magdalene was one of several women
    who contributed to Jesus' ministry and supported it," says Darrell Bock
    <>, New Testament
    professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.

    And that's it.

    Even liberal biblical scholars don't really think Jesus and Mary Magdalene
    had a sexual relationship -- though they don't entirely dismiss it, either.
    Marcus Borg <>, a professor of
    religion and culture at Oregon State University, for instance, had this to
    say about the possibility of Jesus and Mary Magdalene as sex partners: "It
    wouldn't bother me if he had a non-married sexual relationship with Mary
    Magdalene. In some way I wish he was married because it would shake up our
    ideas about Jesus and sexuality."

    According to the New Testament: The Gospels say Mary Magdalene was a
    follower of Jesus and that, according to Luke 8, she supported him out of
    her own means, meaning that she was probably wealthy. She was the first, or
    among the first, to discover the empty tomb. (Mark 16:9 says, "Now after He
    had risen early on the first day of the week, He first appeared to Mary
    Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.") After the Resurrection,
    Jesus commissioned her to go to the other apostles with the news. Thus, she
    has been known traditionally as the "apostle to the apostles."

    But since the earliest decades after Jesus' death, a parallel lore
    <> flourished, particularly in southern
    France, where in 1208 the people were condemned to death
    <> by Pope Innocent III for believing
    that Mary Magdalene was the "grail mother." In the parallel story, Jesus
    married Mary Magdalene, and she was pregnant with his child when he was
    crucified at Qumran, not Golgotha as it is usually thought. Mary delivered a
    child, and then she and the baby were spirited to France, where she died.
    This secret teachingâ?¹partially described in "The DaVinci Code" -- is said to
    have been preserved by the Knights Templar <>,
    a monastic military order formed at the end of the First Crusade.

    Outside France, historians and theologians for many years have debated if
    Jesus was married -- to Mary Magdalene or to someone else. In 1970, for
    instance, a Presbyterian minister and scholar named William E. Phipps wrote
    a controversial book called Was Jesus Married?
    <> His conclusion is
    "yes," because the vast majority of Jewish males of Jesus' era married.

    In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a rash of Jesus books and movies about
    Jesus, including Jesus Christ, Superstar
    <>, which made the
    assumption that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a sexual relationship. More
    famously, Martin Scorsese's 1988 movie The Last Temptation of Christ
    <> includes a
    sex scene between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

    But serious inquiry into Jesus' marital state -- and more specifically into
    his relationship with Mary Magdalene -- got a huge boost from the discovery
    of what is called the Berlin Codex
    <>. Discovered in
    Egypt in 1896, it wasn't translated until the 1950s, along with the Nag
    Hammadi Codex <>,
    discovered in 1945, around the same time the Dead Sea Scrolls
    <> were found. These
    texts have become increasingly important to biblical scholarship, and they
    illuminate a different kind of Jesus from the one depicted in the Bible -- a
    wisdom teacher and spiritual seeker. That kind of Jesus is appealing to
    Westerners inclined to combine elements of Eastern religions with
    Christianity -- and so, what are called the Gnostic texts have also become
    hugely popular.

    The two Codex discoveries included The Gospel of Mary, the Sophia of Jesus
    Christ, and the Gospel of Philip, among others. For a long time, they were
    considered unimportant. But in the last decade, biblical scholars have begun
    looking at these texts more closely. The Gospel of Mary, for instance, dates
    to about 125 C.E., according to King, which places it among the oldest texts
    of the early Christian church. By way of comparison, the Gospel of John was
    written in the 90s C.E.

    Particularly in the Gospel of Mary
    <>, Mary Magdalene is
    depicted as having special knowledge of Jesus: "Peter said to Mary, 'Sister,
    we know that the Saviour loved you more than the rest of women." In the
    Gospel of Philip <>,
    she is described this way: "There were three who always walked with the
    Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was
    called his companion." Some scholars point to these passages as possible
    proof of the Jesus and Mary Magdalene relationship.

    A slightly more common view among liberal scholars is that whether or not
    Jesus and Mary Magdalene were intimate, she was as important as Peter. In
    fact, they say, Mary Magdalene was an apostle, but her story was suppressed
    by early church fathers who excised the Gospel of Mary from the Bible in the
    5th century.

    And that is the idea that "The DaVinci Code" may popularize.

    "They didn't attack Mary Magdalene because she was Mrs. Jesus," says liberal
    scholar John Dominic Crossan
    <>. "They
    attacked her because she was a major leader, that she was up there with
    Peter and the rest and they fought like hell to put her back down in her

    Crossan does not believe Jesus was married. In fact, he considers the entire
    question an insult to Mary Magdalene, because it implies that she is
    important only through marriage. "To say Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene
    is a putdown, unless you say she was clearly as important as Peter and
    that's the reason she's married to Jesus."

    Crossan believes, instead, that Jesus wasn't married to anyoneâ?¹because he
    was too poor to afford a wife and children.

    In any case, many scholars agree that in the 4th Century, around the time
    Constantine converted to Christianity
    tml>, church patriarchs began trying to suppress women's leadership roles in
    the Christian movement. At the Council of Nicea in 325 C.E., convened by
    Constantine, Jesus' divinity was debated and voted on. Later, as the church
    evolved, the 27 books of the New Testament were canonized -- and the Gospel
    of Mary and the others were thrown out.

    Liberal scholars say that, among the reasons these other books didn't make
    it into what is called the "biblical canon" are that they include clear
    evidence of Mary Magdalene's importance in Jesus' ministry, and that they
    portray Jesus less as the Son of God and more as a great teacher preaching
    about an interior spiritual path.

    But Bock, a conservative scholar, says there is an even simpler reason the
    books were axed. "It's a later collection of material, probably belonging to
    a splinter group of Christians, and therefore isn't very trustworthy," he

    He also says the theory of Mary Magdalene as a major church leader doesn't
    hold up. "Anyone who argues that there were women who had a full-orbed
    ministerial role in the time of Jesus that's equal to the Twelve Apostles is
    arguing beyond speculation. There's really no basis for it at all. There
    certainly were women who participated in the earliest church and who were
    faithful. But the only office women held was deaconess in the early church
    period. And there is no trace of a ministry of Mary Magdalene in any of the
    biblical materials."

    Still, this much is known: In the 5th Century, not long after the Council of
    Nicea, Pope Gregory the Great delivered an Easter sermon in which he
    associated Mary Magdalene with sinfulness
    <>. He said
    that the adulterous woman in John 8 was Mary Magdalene, even though that
    woman is never named. And he said that the woman who anointed Jesus' feet in
    Luke 7: 36-50 also was Mary Magdalene -- but she, too, is not actually named
    in the Gospel. "They turned Mary Magdalene into a paradigmatic female
    sinner," King says. Meanwhile, the church began describing Mary, the mother
    of Jesus, as a virgin. In the process, says King, "they molded the ideology
    of femininity in Christianity."

    Now, it seems, that ideology is being examinedâ?¹and in some liberal Quarters
    -- debated, even within Christianity. Many of these liberal scholars say
    they wouldn't mind if someone proved Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married.
    If it could be proved, all kinds of questions about Christian women's roles
    would be forced into the open. But at this point, the facts aren't there.

    "History for historians is more fun than fiction," says Crossan. "Fiction
    for me is like playing tennis without a net. But history means you have to
    go with the facts you have."

    Nevertheless, popular culture continues to grab at bits of biblical text to
    answer perplexing questions. How will the world end? Left Behind takes a
    piece of I Thessalonians to answer. Those who are "left" alive on earth when
    the Lord "comes down from heaven" will be "caught up together in the clouds
    to meet the Lord in the air." The word rapture doesn't even appear in the

    And now, the ancient legend of Jesus' marriage and the divine feminine
    reemerges. The question remains if it will become -- like Left Behind --
    popular theology , as well as popular fiction.



    The mission of NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE) is to answer humankind's oldest,
    most perplexing questions: Who are we? Where are we from? What is the origin
    and purpose of life? Instead of relying on ancient or contemporary wisdom,
    or the knowledge of isolated experts, we are building a global network of
    seekers from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, lay people and
    professionals alike, that can pool talents, experience, and resources to
    unravel life's great mysteries.

    We also believe that our planet is passing through a time of profound change
    and are seeking to create a global community of like-minded people that can
    safely pass through whatever changes may come our way and help give birth to
    a new way of life on our planet.


  • Mulan

    I can't wait to see that. I'll be home in time. Hope I can stay awake.

    Hey, Ven. I sent you 2 text messages. Did you get them?

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