Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if it is true that all custody cases have to be reported to the watchtower?If so,is it so they can give the JW legal help?
by BT 6 Replies latest jw friends
as far as I know yes -it is a recommendation that they are referred to legal desk - so the witness parent can keep the children so they can become little dubs
3/99 Kingdom Ministry p 3
A packet of legal material is available to assist publishers who are involved in lawsuits over child custody and visitation matters in which our religion is under attack. The packet should be requested by the body of elders only in a case in which it is evident that the publisher?s religious beliefs will be at issue. For those facing secular issues on child custody or visitation, helpful information can be found in Awake! of December 8, 1997, pages 3-12, in Awake! of October 22, 1988, pages 2-14, and on the chart found in Awake! of April 22, 1991, page 9.
Things may have changed but it used to be that all custody matters where religion was being raised as an issue were to be sent to the Society.
If they felt it of significant urgency they would provide legal assistance to the local lawyer regarding the religious issues.
If there are no religious restraints being requested, Bethel is not supposed to get involved in any way.
Check out this link for some other suggestions:
Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
Thanks for your very quick replies,and the warm welcome..
We didn't want religion to become an issue,but i think since the mother wants to be the best JW she can be,it means that the girls father and the rest of the little ones family are now being shut out.The child deserves to have her dad.She still wants to go to stay with him,but Jehovah's book won't let her.He is so afraid of his daughter seeing him as an outcast cause he doesn't believe.Of course he can't afford the best legal,so i thought i would try to find out what we are up against.
Thanks again,
BT here is a copy online of the publication the WTS uses to prepare their client in court.