I'm a russian and want to obtain some old (pre 1991) WT publications in Russian. Please help me!
Anyone has any WT publications in Russian?
by Ruso 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
Try Randy Watters at www.freeminds.org. He deals with publications from all over. If he doesn't have it, he may know where to get it.
HI RUSO!!!! Welcome.
Sorry, I have some Russian publications, but they're all more recent than what you're looking for.
Do you speak Spanish? I ask only because "Ruso" is Spanish for "Russian"... I'm fluent in Spanish and know some Russian, and I don't know too many other people with that combination of languages! Anyway, welcome to JWD.
why dont you write to watchtower (www.watchtower.org)...they probably have some :)
I had some Russian tracts around 1993 vintage, but I'm not sure if I still have them or not.
Izobenc... I doubt that the WTS has any pre-'91 publications in print in Russian. At least, not publications that were translated into Russian before '91, and I assume that's what Ruso is looking for.
Do you speak Spanish? I ask only because "Ruso" is Spanish for "Russian"... I'm fluent in Spanish and know some Russian, and I don't know too many other people with that combination of languages!
I think that Cuba has plenty of them.
LOL Touche.