Greetings everyone. I have a bit of a situation that maybe you can help me out with. A student of mine, a very bright and intelligent young man, has currently lost his home and is living in shelters and under bridges at the moment. He has a car, but the real thing I would like to do is to help him find a job. He moved here to Dallas to get away from a little town near Houston because things were so economicaly bad. So, if any of you know of a job, and it doesn't have to be high paying, just something to get him back on track, it would be most appreciated and I would definitely be in your debt. I fear he will drop my class if his current situation doesn't get better rather soon. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer or suggest.
Does he have a resume? If so, fax it to me at work (call me tomorrow at work & I'll give you the #) and I'll give it to our Office Manager. If we don't have anything, she might know of something or could put him in touch with some of her friends who have temp agencies.