Did i just make things worse for my boy?

by BT 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • BT


    I wrote a letter yesterday in concerns with child custody.

    Well,just now had them at my door and i sorta lost it about my son losing his daughter because of their brainwashing techniques used on her mother.The problem is,although i didn't mention names,i think they will work out who it is.(It's a little town)I suppose now,because i yelled at them,they will somehow use it against my son.They immediately blamed my son for the problem,thats why i lost it.How the would they know,sheesh,talk about egotistical,arrogant,totaltarians.

    Sorry,just so sad and mad that this can even happen in the first place.We were all doing okay until mother stopped pretty well all contact with us after she got baptised,in just 6 months of being here.She came here because she was getting into trouble and evicted all the time where she was.She thought that we were great people for helping her out(otherwise her and grand daughter were oin the streets),until she befriend a JW.Even thought that was good,didn't think much of the JWs until all this bit us in the bum.She must be mighty keen.It's all fine for her,but why is it so necessary to not to share the child with her father.

    Thanks for listening,


  • TheSilence

    Hi, BT,

    Because contact with her father might show her that there is life beyond the organization's control, and they can't have that.

    I'm sorry you're both going through a rought time... this religion makes so many family situations just suck.


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