name and shame ????

by FlabbyCabby 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlabbyCabby

    First of all I would like to congratulate everyone who takes time out to enlighten the rest of us regarding hypocritical JW's.We all know someone who is not quite the person they portray themselves to be at the meetings, that "wolf in sheeps clothing" so to speak.This brings me to my point:-

    Is there any reason why we cannot name these individuals?

    I would love to tell all my ex-congregationial associates about Mr ........ and Mrs ........,but I am not in a position to, or am I??
    Maybe if we did "name and shame" then the message would suddenly become very personal indeed.


  • Gopher


    Welcome to the board. I hope you enjoy posting and reading here.

    The hypocrisy of JW's is overwhelming, saddening, and shocking. Many of us had been sold on the idea of a "loving, clean" brotherhood and found that this was rarely the case, certainly not more so than many other places.

    And the leaders of the organization, both the early ones and the recent ones have been named and exposed, and deservedly so! Their actions have affected millions, and not for the better.

    When it comes down to a personal vendetta against average, but still hypocritical JW's, it would be a waste of time. Why come down to their level? Wasn't the 'gossiping' and backbiting that occurred inside the organization reason enough to leave?

    On the outside we need to rise above that, and get on with our lives! People who act like asses on the inside (who have hurt us) will eventually get their come-uppance! Just watch them dig their own holes and fall into it!

    One main point of discussion boards like this is to show that there is a BETTER life outside the organization.

    So avoid attacking. You'll be happier. Sorry to drag out an old saying, but here goes, "You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar".


  • Free2Bme

    Hi FlabbyCabby
    Just like to say "welcome".
    As for naming and shaming I'm not sure what it would achieve apart from a revenge motive.
    The point is names are not the issue. The issue is the exposure of hypocrasy and falsehood within the WTBS.
    Doesn't matter what the name is we all will recognise the type from our own experiences in the JW's.


    How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...

  • Prisca

    FlabbyCabby (love the name, btw!)

    I think it would be a very sad day if we had to resort to personal names in defending our stories. What is the point? How many in your local area would be reading your post? And even if there were ones who were in your area, what could be done then? What outcome are you wanting?

    As well, it would be an easy way for them to point to the methods of the "devious and hate-filled apostates" that they warn the rank-and-file Witness about. And we know we aren't all like that!

    With the internet, there is a great need for privacy. ANYONE and I mean anyone could be reading these threads. We can presume the average reader is "mostly harmless" but what if there was some freak reading this, perhaps one with a personal vandetta against the Witnesses? While we may not believe in the WTS theology anymore, does that give us ground to pave the way to possible physical harm? Why would we want to?

    And harking back to what Jesus said, would we want to have the same done to us? Would we like it if someone published our names and locations in regards to past transgressions, whether real or perceived?

    And what about justice? If we tell name names and what they did to us, are they going to have the right of reply? Or is that nulified simply because of their religious affiliation?

    So while I understand your feelings, FlabbyCabby, these are just some things to think about.

    And welcome to the board

  • Francois

    There is also the question of slander and libel. JWs are not public figures and thus may be protected by law in this area.

    Even the JWs have modified how they announce DFs, DAs, etc. from the platform to avoid this very liability.

    The identity of everyone on this board is discoverable via court action.

    I love the idea, but I'm not willing to accept any exposure in its pursuit.


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