Do any of you ever feel for some odd reason that this could really be the "truth"? I see what's going on in the world today and the stuff my mother usually spews is starting to make sense. I feel like I'm being sucked back in. The pressure from my family is getting worse. And my brother is making me feel guilty for having my mother be in this religion by herself. He lives 2 hours away and my dad and I are both inactive. I was enthusiastic when I first started learning about the secrets of the WTS and that I would finally be free, but that initial rush has worn off and I've now gone into a deep depression. Nothing makes sense anymore and I'm beginning to wonder if looking towards the future is a waste of time. What's the point? Life is so short. You only have a good 70 or 80 years of life and not even that is promised. So I ask again. What's the point? Why do we try so hard to hold on to this meager existence. This can't be right. Something tells me it wasn't meant to be this way.
Have you ever felt this way?
by Ariell 8 Replies latest jw friends
Hang in there. What you're feeling is normal. You've been brainwashed and sometimes the residue comes back to try to reactivate the guilt and fear. Yes, the wts gets members on fear. You've been promised perfection in a paradise earth and sometimes the reality of life gets us down. This very life we're living right now is worthwhile! You can and will accomplish so much. Hang in there and ask for all the help you need.
Go outside and smell the fresh air. Go get a cup of your favorite coffee. Listen to your favorite music. Please take care of yourself.
And, to quote the donkey in "Shrek": "Whatever you do, stay AWAY from the light!" Seriously, though, you are feeling a knee-jerk oh-my-god-what-if-they're-right reaction to leaving. The fact that it is so incredibly hard to leave has convinced me that this is a cult and not just another fundamentalist religious group. Are you wanting to worship a god of love or a god of fear? What finally snapped my JW umbilical cord was realizing that even if this was THE truth, I didn't want to spend forever with these people. I'd rather enjoy every moment of every day in this flawed, beautiful world with the people I love, and I'll call it square.
Just remember the choice is YOURS, not theirs. It's your life, your brain, your heart. Don't let anyone tell you how to feel.
Rick Aust
I do understand how you feel. Many times I do think this is the last days , and also the apostle Paul said that everyday we are closer to the end then when we started. But if these are the last days its no thanks to the WTS. If you look at a history of religion there has allways been a man or a group of men that are crying "the end is near", they'er going to right right one day! If I stand in the middle of a desert and claim it will rain tomorrow, I will be right one day. I still beleive the bible and the Kingdom, just not the things that only the WTS teachs, eg the 144,000, the faithfull and distreet slave class, disfellowshipping, all the shunning really is very unchristain, Going door to door and preaching ther theology.
I still go to the KH, I feel its good to get some time to God and if I found a better place I'll go there, I'll probably will one day.
I don't know what I believe. At first when I made the decision to stop I kept thinking I probably picked the worst time to give up and let go. Probably everyone is right and the end is so near and wouldn't it be just my 'luck' that I gave up just as Armegeddon came. The thing is the more I am away and I think about things, I have trouble believing it is the truth. And I haven't even yet done the doctrinal research. It is other things that has caused my doubts.
I think you need to do what you need to do. I dont' think you should be guilted into doing something though. If your mom is the only one in, and you don't believe in it, you do her no favors by going out of guilt. There was a time when I was the only one being an active JW. It was also at a hard time in my life. Its funny now that family is back in and here I am chosing not to be. But I had to do this for me. If I change my mind down the road, then I'll make that decision as well.
Hope you find your answers.
I know what you're saying. I have felt the same way, but I finally got to the point (many points) when I realized that I would not want to survive Armageddon and live a new world where God refused to resurrect my Father because he heard the "truth" and did'nt accept it, even though it was presented to him by a couple of half retarded, drooling, book bag toters, who did'nt know their arse from a hole in the ground. C'mon, do you really believe God would judge a person worhty or unworthy based on this criteria?, and would you really want to live in a "paradise earth" where only witnesses survive?, and the whole place is run based on the restrictions of the watchtower? If God (Jehovah) were really this militaristic,vengeful God as depicted by the Jw's, do you really want to be "In" anyway? I believe in God, but not the one the Jw's try to sell to us.
When I get to feeling that way I just come on this board or go to Randys site - soon reminds me that it is not da troof
I sometimes feel a similar inclination. But here's what comes to mind then:
Do I want to attend 5 meetings each week in order to prove somehow that I am doing right in God's eyes?
Do I want to knock on doors with a "message" that amounts to little more than spending time trying to place literature?
Do I want to come up against the constant feelings of guilt over every mistake I make and every breath I take? (Yeah, sounds like The Police tune, I know).
Do I want to start all over again judging non-jws of being worthy of death?
Do I want to be part of a religion that denounces a normal life that consists of an education, a career, and many harmless leisure activities?
Actually, what the jw religion counts on is many of the feelings you're experiencing:
Fear of death
Frustration at life's brevity
Fear of world conditions
Pressure from jw family
But overall, some people do go back. The jw religion, like any, can fill a need for some folks. I wish you well as you try to decide Ariell.
Rick Aust
to integ
I feel you need to understand christinaty fro what it really is in the bible and not the WTS version of christanity.
The WTS is the most jugdemental religion I've ever seen, they are ready to tell us who God will accept and who he won't accept.
How would they know? What gives them the right? Firstly its Jesus who is the Judge not God. "all power has being given to him" also the bible says that if ones dies he is accquitted for his sins. But this seems that all who die who live again, of course the WTS doesn't want us to beleive this because that would mean that we don'ty have to work our way to the kingdom, and by "working" they mean witnessing there theology.
The WTS many times uses's the illustion of a glass of water and a bit of pioson, they apply this to christaindom, but the WTS themselves has given us a glass of water with some pioson in it, you need to filter out the pioson, and then you'll be free just like Jesus said. Being left with nothing won't help you either.
regards .