christian logic

by peacefulpete 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peacefulpete

    "I find no other means to prove myself to be impudent with success, and happily a fool, than by my contempt of shame; as, for instance-I maintain that the son of God was born: why am I not ashamed of maintaining such a thing? Why! but because it is a shameful thing. I maintain that the son of God died: well that is wholly credible because it monsterously absurd. I maintain that after having been buried, he rose again: and that I take to be absolutley true, because it was manifestly imposssible."

    2nd century Church Father Tertullian

    How do you argue with that?

  • stillajwexelder

    almost as good as "a talking snake convincing a naked woman to eat a piece of fruit is the cause of all the worlds problems"

  • Faraon


    How do you argue with that?

    You can't. It must be true.

    Same that an impartial god tells us that a woman is worth only 60% of a man's value.

    That's OK to have slaves but others have freedom of choice.

    See... it all makes sense once you're brainwashed.

  • ozziepost


    When I look through your posts here on JWD, I see that your post here seems to fit in to a pattern.

    Please inform us, were you ever a dub? Or are you now a dub? Or.........


  • gumby
    peacefulpete Re: Disfellowshipped For Being Raped...
    Post 18 of 806
    since 08-Mar-02

    The greatest burden I yet carry is my role in the disfellowshipping of a woman for oral sex.I was young and inexperienced and let the older men conduct the judicial meeting with me largely remaining silent.The numerous reversals on this topic scarred many lives as well.Many felt compelled to divorse mates that insisted upon it.Many felt indescribable shame for even wanting it.And some were even unfortunate enough to have come forward with guilt and found themselves DFed.This was a case where the husband was a nonwitness and very insistant. She was living in an impoverished Third world country where I was serving as missionary.She had two young kids,yet the direction was to cease this uncleaness leave home if necessary or be removed.For her there was no win.I will never forgive myself for not acting according to my conscience.Even then I felt this was wrong and none of our buisiness.But my training superceded my thoughts.Not all situations that hurt innocent people are as simple as the elders being cruel or insensitive.They too are victims of the program.Don't hate,learn and don't make the same mistakes again. Don't allow others estimate of your worth be yours.Maybe this too will help the healing.

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