I spoke with my mom earlier today on the phone. It seems that she is discouraged, and her DF'd son (me) is the only one who will give her some comfort.
She has been trying to witness to those in nursing homes for many, many years, and runs into all kinds of roadblocks from my dad (an elder) and the congregation, to the nursing home officials. She honestly and sincerely tries to help these older people. I can't blame her for feeling some compassion toward the elderly and incapacitated.
She says my dad yells at her and puts her down often. I know she is right. He also calls her a "damn alcoholic," and worse. The truth is, she is an alcoholic, and my dad is seriously codependent (but what JW isn't?). They fight like cats and dogs, but don't have the fortitude to make the tough decision to part ways, (like many of us have had to make.)
They are like lost souls, desperately trying to validate their own existence. After so many years, and so many promises, still nothing…no Armageddon; no Paradise Earth; no nothing. They have traded all their years and youthful vitality for empty promises…a handful of shit. Now, at close to 70 years old, they are emotionally and expectationally bankrupt. They are tired…just tired.
What makes it so tragic is the fact that they simply cannot see the real "Truth." The WTS stole their youth; stole their dignity; stole their hopes and dreams; stole their humanity; expropriated their ten-der affections for the world of humanity at large; in short, gave them a good and thorough mind-fucking (sorry about the language, just couldn't find a better way to express it.)
Some of that mind-rape carries over to those of us who have left; and we are all so desperately trying to get past it. Some of us do quite well, others of us struggle.
Wouldn't it be great if we could just get past our parents? Do you know what I mean Fark? I know at some point their misery will be over. This saddens me but also gives me a glimmer of hope. What a tragedy it is when our lives would be better without someone we are close to in them. At least we who left the WTS at a relatively young age can pursue a better life. But for those we care about who are still enslaved…oh well.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." It is about time to finally go after those illusive dreams, and leave the past to its own.
Hope this is not too depressing. Just wanted to vent.
"The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
My webpage: http://www.geocities.com/freepeace2000/Truthquest/TruthQuestx.html