A thread I posted to a week or so back created some interesting comments. There is something bothering me that perhaps some here may have experienced and can help with.
As outlined in an earlier post, I was a JW, married, had children, the whole thing fell apart, I eventually left, went into exile, faded and gained contact with my children. (concise version of history)
I now have two early teenage boys who I see reguarly have a good relationship with. They live with my ex and are surrounded by her family, all JW's. I do try not to counter indoctrinate them, yet do not wish to see them make the same mistake as I did.
When I was growing up there were a few children who had Ex JW fathers. I know they were only talked about by the adults in hushed tones, the children were pitied in a morbid sort of way. We as children knew these fathers were evil.
I have no idea what it is like for my boys to grow up in this environment, I have no terms of reference.
Does anyone here have this experience, how did you view your father? what helped? what did not? did it affect your conciences? Any advice?
I welcome any perspectives you wish to give me...