Does anyone have a copy of God Makers?

by shotgun 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    It's about Mormons but is supposed to be an excellent way to show dubs the similarities in thinking and control.

    If you have a copy I'll send you money for shipping. PM me.....thanks

  • Phantom Stranger
  • shotgun

    I was looking for the video. That link is for a book....I'll check google.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Sorry, I thought you were looking for the book.

  • hooberus

    I have read some chapters from an older book "Seventh-day Adventism refuted" The book was published around 1920 (I think). These chapters are the best that I have ever seen for similarities without mentioning the watchtower. If a witness would read these it should prove very mind-opening.

  • stillajwexelder

    I do have a personal copy and it is well worth having in your library - but do not have a copy to spare.

  • shotgun

    stillajwexelder don't tease me.

    The other one looks interesting too...on Seventh Day Adventist...It's no wonder there are similarities there....they share the same creator....Barbour.

  • Outaservice

    There are actually 2 Videos. While I have them, I do not care to sell them, however I believe you could order them from any Christian Book Store. Jeremiah Films.

    Outaservice (but still countin my time!)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Google found a source quite easily:

    They have both videos for sale.

  • gumby

    As outaservice said......most christian bookstores have a copy if they carry films. There are many about the dubs also in these stores if some newbies don't know that. Some are not done well as far as i'm concerned, and they are a bit on the silly side. I don't know about the mormon tape and how it is presented.


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