Never underestimate the power of a teacher

by Oxnard Hamster 6 Replies latest social humour

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I'm currently an intern at a middle school. Earlier today, I had the privelage of observing parent/teacher conferences. I'm surprised none of the parents yelled at any teachers. As a matter of fact, the teachers seemed to have more influence than the parents.
    Anyway, the middle school is split up into 6 teams, 3 for each grade. Every teacher in a team was lined up in a row, so parents could easily go from one teacher to the next without having to meander all over the gym hunting them down.
    One set of parents happened to bring their kid along, who attends the middle school. After they were through talking to the science teacher, who sat behind my mentor teacher and I, they came to talk to my mentor teacher. Anyway, the kid insisted on sitting down because he was tired. The parents tried to get him to relinquish his seat for the dad, but to no avail. Then the science teacher intervened and said "(Name of kid) get up." The kid promply got out of his seat. I chuckled inside at how the teacher had more influence than the parents.

  • joannadandy

    Wow Ox...that is pretty amazing~

    I went to parent teacher conferences last week too...of course the parents with the "good" kids showed up. As expected the kids who need to have their parents talked to, weren't's kinda sad. And then when I see them in class--not doing anything, it's like--no wonder you don't care.

    So taught any lessons yet?

    I got to yell at my group of 9th graders for the first time yesterday...I felt was better...only had to hollar once and they quieted down faster...

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Yeah, that is sad. I was half expecting a few parents to start yelling at my mentor teacher, but most of them were very cooperative and one even said my teacher made her day. My mentor teacher told me she had a few parents with failing kids, but they weren't mad at her, just wanted to know how they could help.

    I've taught a few lessons. One was about using transitions in writing. Another was how to organize sentences properly. My mentor teacher has me teaching writing because she knows I'm too busy to read books and prepare for those sorts of lessons.

    About yelling: My phase instructors tell us not to yell, because then kids just get louder. Besides, if you talk quietly, then kids will learn to simmer down so they can hear your instructions. I know it's hard to do, because we instinctively yell, but I think my instructors bring up a good point. Just something you might want to try in the classroom.

    Oh yeah, my mentor teacher also said I could come in and observe inservice meetings. I can't wait to see what those are all about.

  • joannadandy

    Yeah I went to the inservice on monday--pretty boring! lol

    They pretty much used it to spring a guest speaker on all of us..."Oh yeah and tomorrow we'll have a speaker for the kids 5th and 6th hour" nice!

    Yeah--I am teaching Animal Farm with the freshmen, and doing a small group discussion unit with the seniors in speech. IT's fun...I've never read Animal Farm before--GO ME! LOL!

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Wow. I imagine it would take a lot of time not only to read the book, but to figure out how to teach it. I know I wouldn't want to fit that into my busy schedule this semester.

  • joannadandy

    Nah it's only like 104 was a quick read...and the lesson is pretty they have a study guide, a pre-fab test made up, and a paper to write after that...I already know what I need to cover to have them be successful on the test and's pretty easy actually...and it was a fun book.

    So Ox since this seems to be a thread just between the two future English teachers (ie you and me) what's your favorite book? A book you wanna teach? And what are you wearing right now?

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I'd like to teach The Giver, Holes, and Watership Down. I know the third is technically a children's book, but it has some awesome themes. It's about a bunch of rabbits who are fed up with putting up with garbage in their warren, so they decide to leave. Sound familiar?

    Well actually, the real reason is because one of the rabbits has a vision that the warren will be destroyed.

    Which is my favorite? That's a tough one, but probably Holes.

    What am I wearing? Ummmm, just a bath robe.

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