The "Godly" Quality of Hate

by Francois 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Since the WT has recently been encouraging development of the "Godly" quality of hate, I wonder if the "Godly" qualities of ferocity and stupidity can be far behind?

    More evidence that the entire JW phenom consists of ignorant, gullible, primitive-minded people worshipping a primitive, savage, ancient and outdated concept of God.

    JWs constitute the crazy aunt in the basement of the human family.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Francoise,

    Why you signing yourself as Francois? You haven't had the change, have you?

    Anyhow, re the Godly quality of hate, isn't the point that JWs are being taught a 'quality' that is ungodly?

    And how well some of them have learned!


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • Francois

    Well, Oz, the other day a few posters told me that Francoise was feminine, and that Francois was masculine. Since I gave back all the French I took, I am bowing to the superior knowledge of those folk.

    I've asked Simon to change my Username so I can keep my number of posts going and get to the Jedi class that much faster.

    I don't frankly know what the point is of this godly quality of hate bullshit is. I suppose it illustrates that the bible can be used to prove any damn thing you want. The idea that hate is a godly quality would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic and dangerous.

  • COMF
    the "Godly" qualities of ferocity and stupidity

    And don't forget egomania. Also, a bizarre fascination with foreskins would be a plus.

    I gave back all the French I took

    Cool! Consider this shamelessly plagiarized for my own use. :)


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