Since the WT has recently been encouraging development of the "Godly" quality of hate, I wonder if the "Godly" qualities of ferocity and stupidity can be far behind?
More evidence that the entire JW phenom consists of ignorant, gullible, primitive-minded people worshipping a primitive, savage, ancient and outdated concept of God.
JWs constitute the crazy aunt in the basement of the human family.
Well, Oz, the other day a few posters told me that Francoise was feminine, and that Francois was masculine. Since I gave back all the French I took, I am bowing to the superior knowledge of those folk.
I've asked Simon to change my Username so I can keep my number of posts going and get to the Jedi class that much faster.
I don't frankly know what the point is of this godly quality of hate bullshit is. I suppose it illustrates that the bible can be used to prove any damn thing you want. The idea that hate is a godly quality would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic and dangerous.