Jourles, et al.: is kaput?

by Room 215 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Maybe I've missed a thread or an announcement, but it seems that Jourle's ultra-valuable website, dirtclod, is no more. A shame. Does anyone know what happened?

  • undercover

    I remember a while back, he got some nasty letters or emails from the WTS to cease and desist on posting "copyrighted" material. Maybe something happened with that. Just speculating.

    Seems like I remember he left this board also. He posted a goodbye thread if I remember correctly. Maybe someone else knows what's going on.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    He -- and it (dirtclod) -- will be sorely missed; I pray that whatever the reason for the withdrawal, it has nothing to do with Jourles' health or well-being...

  • Simon

    I'm sure everything will work out ... it's likely that the same reason that the site and his postings are gone is also why he doesn't reply to explain (and in doing, identify himself). Who knows?!

    I'll be putting the content back on this site soon so peolpe will still have access to it.

  • larc

    Jourles has people close to him who are Witnesses, so he has to be very careful about what he says or does.

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