I don't remember seeing this picture before

by dmouse 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Images of the destruction of the world at Armageddon are legion in the Societie's literature and much of it is documented on the web.

    I've seen most of them, but for some reason this one seems to have escaped the catalogue. At least I don't remember seeing it anywhere.

    It's from the 'Does God really care about us' brochure on page 19:

  • sens

    yer they all look alike to me

  • RunningMan

    Ah, there's nothing like the "Good News".

  • stillajwexelder

    What a wonderful positive religion the Troof is - nothing negative at all -- now why would anyone not be attracted by that?

  • micheal

    The two guys at the forefront of the picture reminds me of the reaction I recieved from my service overseer when I told him I was coming off of the pioneer list.

    "But - I - have - to- take- care- of - my- mother."

  • blondie

    As a kid, I would see pictures like this and ask my mother how God was going to protect us when this was happening all over the earth. I couldn't figure out how we would be safe. My mother could never explain it; she still can't.

    10,000 at your right hand so says the Psalm or the account of the 3 Hebrews in the furnace and not having the smell of fire on them....

    Actually, it looks like at day at the KH where everybody knifes each other in the back.


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