Remember the story when Josiah orders the Temple restored after hundreds of years of neglect and miraculously the Book of the Law was found by the high priest Hilkiah. He hands it to the king who reads it aloud and tears his clothes and laments the sins of Isreael.(in substance). I was reading about how this story was one of the first clues recognised by modern linguists as evidence that the Bible was not what it was claimed to be. Why? The book was said to have been by the very hand of Moses who according to Bible chronology had lived 800 years earlier. Anyone who knows anything about languages (including Hebrew) knows that in that amount of time spelling grammer and idiom change so greatly that it would be unintelligable to all but a linguistic specialist. Yet young Josiah supposedly reads it off as a modern text!
Language varients are readily evident by just traveling a few hundred miles or back in time a few hundred years. English for example:Our Father who is in heaven...Was ..Our father which art in heauen...was...Oure fadir that art in heuenes...was...Fader ure (letter that looks similar to a p)u (same obsolete letter)e ert on heofene...This variation was in just 750 yrs
As Josiah was a recognized King of Judah, the story was viewed as likely expressing some historical event. The most plausable explanation was that instead of the book being written by moses and ancient , it was in fact a work by the then high priest Hilkiah!.. Later scholars have seen no reason to change that basic conclusion, as it harmonizes well with the Documentary Hypothesis. In other words Josiah was suckered into doing what the then empowewred priesthood wanted.