U C no jws 4 3 years,suddenly there R 2 on my doorstep.

by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I was reading when there was a knock about 10 2 3 in the afternoon and there were 2 jws,husband/wife who gave me the December 1 2003 WT and the R U PAYING 2 MUCH TAX awake!, there were calling b/c a fellow daycentre attendant put my name through their door explaining I wanted a visit 2 get their magazines etc.

    The first thing I said was,I think wasPRAISE JEHOVAH 2 which they said`Yes'

    They have asked 4 any Q? 4 next Sunday,concerning either the magazines or the bible

    any ideas,every1

  • buffalosrfree

    Ask them to show you in the New Testament where disciples are promised a paradise earth. Or if any one is going to live on a paradise earth. Not the old testament but the new.

  • badboy

    sHOULD i CAME UP WITH` I understandthat 1 of your lawyers has basically said he can harm members,Y should I join if your religious organization if it can harm any member any time any place

  • Nosferatu

    Invite them in for a cup of warm goat's blood. Tell them about how Jehovah personally spoke to you after you recieved the magazines, and told you to engage in daily yoga.

  • badboy


  • funkyderek
    U C no jws 4 3 years,suddenly there R 2 on my doorstep.

    Maybe they should get a certain Brother Nelson 2 call on U, as U 2 seem 2 speak the same language.

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