Shot Down Again In Russia

by LovesDubs 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    Moscow court cancels Jehovah's Witnesses' legal win

    MOSCOW, May 30 (Reuters) - A Russian court has overturned a legal victory for the Jehovah's Witnesses which had prevented the liquidation of the group's Moscow communities, Russian news agencies reported on Wednesday.

    The decision cancels out the Jehovah's Witnesses' triumph in February after a two-year courtroom battle, which focused on a 1997 law which forces faiths without a long history in Russia to undergo a convoluted registration process.

    A Moscow court threw out a case brought by the city's northern district to shut down the group on the grounds it regularly broke up families, infringed individuals' rights and converted minors without parents' permission.

    But Wednesday's court verdict wiped out that decision, upholding a range of such allegations against the group.

    "It's a political case, directed against the rights of religious groups," RIA news agency quoted lawyers for the Jehovah's Witnesses as saying.

    The group, which says it has at least 120,000 active members in Russia, stands accused of breaking Russia's 1997 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Association, which the United States and the Vatican have vehemently criticised.

    It approved Judaism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity as Russia's traditional faiths, and threw other groups into limbo.

    Former U.S. President Bill Clinton stressed the importance of religious and other freedoms during a June 2000 summit with President Vladmimir Putin in Moscow.

    Russia's Orthodox church has rejected talk of religious oppression, saying the law is justified in stopping dangerous sects flooding the spiritual vacuum created by 70 years of Communist rule.

    14:22 05-30-01

  • hawkaw

    Well, two good stories in one day. Right on

  • hawkaw


    One final thought - I wonder if we will see this posted at the jw media site ( - likely Not eh!!!

    hawk (who always has this urge to call you LSD instead of LsDs)

  • hawkaw

    One final final thought - I wonder if the "National" (CBC News in Canada) will air another "pro JW onesided" story like they did the last time a few months ago when the JWs one in the lower court in Moscow. I almost had to put the barf bag in the upright position after I heard comments like "those poor innocent JWs are so innocent and the mean Russian bear is after them" crap. I must watch tonight at 10:00 pm (10:30pm in Newfoundland).

    For the record the JW lawyers working the case in Russia are also working the Blainville, Quebec ordinance case. I know because I am trying to help the Town's lawyer on the appeal. I will be relaying the case law from the "left" coast's news service tomorrow - ain't the internet great.


  • LovesDubs

    Hawk...well you know the schtick...Jehooover will have changed his mind or this will be construed as a TEST for the Russian Dubs or....Jehoover has seen fit to move those JWS where the need is greater (like outer Mongolia or the salt flats or Greenland or yes....Cleveland)

    That gag reflex thing eventually passes by the way :smile:


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