Governing Body=Jehovah???

by betweenworlds 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • betweenworlds

    A pioneer sister from the local congregation mentioned to me in an email that she is behind in her hours this month. I emailed her back and told her not to worry about those hours, that God reads hearts not time slips. This was her response, and it made me very sad.

    I love being busy. especially being busy for Jehovah. Pioneering is my
    life and I wouldn't have it any other way. You are so right about the
    time thing. Jehovah has let us know that because he has decreased the
    pioneer hour requirement to just 70 hours.

    I find it so incredible that in the minds of JWs, every step that the governing body makes, is said to be that of Jehovah. What I find really incredible is that I too was once caught up in the same mind set! Scary to think that people can be so swept up in something, that common sense goes out the window.


  • bajarama

    70 hours a month, what ever happened to, "all the more as the day draws near". Must not be so near!

    I remember a pioneer sister telling me that when you become a pioneer that jehovah gives you a deep feeling of complete j.o.y. (jehovah over you). God must of had a total recall on the whole joy thing.

    I pioneered to get attention and respect from other witnesses. I also felt like jehovah couldn't ask for anything more from me, I thought I was doing my all, and I would make it, if the end came. He couldn't kill me, I'm a pioneer. The whole pioneer thing is bullshit, and anybody who has pioneered, knows that.

    It's much easier to screw off for 70 hours, than it is to screw off for 90 hours.


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