I wonder.......

by sunshineToo 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    If I could be a great mole within the Watchtower Society. You know, stay as a jw, but at the same time be a sneaky apostate.

    I've been thinking: What if I didn't DA myself and stay as a mole? How long would it take them to bust me?

    What do you think? Do you think you'll be a great mole?

  • sens

    lmfao sunshine....

    I couldnt be one...my smoking would give me away

    although...I did hide it pretty well when i was in the org...so hmmmmm maybe

  • Valis

    What would your purpose be? I wouldn't think having to do all the JW stuff would make it worth it at all..


    District Overbeer

  • sens
    I wouldn't think having to do all the JW stuff would make it worth it at all..

    you could give yourself say ummm 30 days to corrupt as many as possible

  • shera

    No,I wouldn't do it...

    I couldn't stand living like one,just to let out the dirt about them...buuut...Be kinda cool,if I could be a fly in the wall with the GB.

  • Sassy

    I know there are some who do, for whatever reason, but I just coulnd't. It was hard enough trying to be a JW when I believed in it, but now that I don't? I love coming home on 'meeting nights' and not even thinking, Oh, I know I should go to the meeting tonight. or Saturday and Sunday mornings when i am wore out from working all week "oh I know I should set the alarm so I can get up for service or meeting' .

    It would also be hard for me to stomach all that stuff. Before I would feel guilty and discipline myself not to fall asleep during meeting, but if my heart is no longer in it, well? forget that...

    No I think I have better things to do with my time. hmmm reminds me of a song...

    I could wash my car in the rain
    Change my new guitar strings
    Mow the yard just the same as I did yesterday
    I don't need to waste my time...
    I got better things to do



    I could never pull it off...the peeeeeeals of hysterical laughter during the talks would give me away ...Hysterical


    ESTEEToo Funny

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