Who have heard of Bacha Bazi, a sick culture.

by James Mixon 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Islam, I don't know about this religion.

    The practice of bacha bazi , "boy play.

    Rampant sexual abuse of children has long been a problem in Afghanistan, particularly among armed commander who dominate much of the rural landscape and can bully the population.

    An American soldiers, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley told his father, from his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear the Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base. At night we can hear them screaming, but we're not allowed to do anything about it. He was told by his American officers to look the other way, why because it's their culture.

    What Bible are they reading in that country.

  • Simon
    What Bible are they reading in that country.

    The Quran

    There was a program on TV about it the other week. Absolutely sickening. I don't know why we prop up any of these regimes.

    Politics should never trump doing the right thing. The right thing is always better politics long term.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Simon, yes there is a BIG problem in those countries.

    It's nuts, Men who Sodomize young boys are not considered gay or a child

    abuser. In Saudi Arabia a 12 year old girl was married to an 80 year old man.

    In Yemen a 12 year old child bride died from following sexual intercourse.

    Yet they condemn western morality-alcoholism, nudity, premarital sex and homosexuality.

  • barry

    There was a club in Afghanistan doing Backa Bazi. They convinced a gay Imam to make a fatwa saying Allah was busy on thursday nights and couldn't see what they were doing then called the thursday night club. The Americans got to know that a important terrorist they had been trying to illuminate was a member so the Americans sent a drone and vaporised him.

    In Islam a person can be married to a women for one hour by paying money to her and getting permission from an Imam. What is that called?

  • Divergent
    Those participating in this practice were themselves abused as children. They can't get back at those who abused them, so they do it onto others instead. It's similar to hazing / ragging where those who were subjected to abuse become abusers themselves. It's an endless cycle!
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Divergent: I don't get it, "I understand those who were subjected to abuse become

    abusers themselves". What I don't understand do they culture come before the

    words in the Quran? The Quran speaks against Bacha Bazi, men sleeping with

    boys, in fact it speaks against sex before marriage.

  • barry
    James, Could you give the reference in the Koran. Muslims also will get married for one hour. Is that marriage? No it's prostitution
  • Divergent

    This is a case of culture before religion. As you would know, the majority of Muslims are anti-homosexual. In fact, the penalty for homosexuality is DEATH according to the Quran. However, Islamic practices vary from country to country, determined by various cultures. This is why even if the "holy book" prohibits it, culture may permit it. People choose what they want to follow, just like how there are differing practices in other religions. Another case of "it's not right, but it's ok" mentality

  • barry
    Divergent, Sex with boys is not considered homosexual in Islam. Its also a common practice in Iran by the ayatolas.
  • Divergent

    Again, depends on which interpretation of Islam. Take a look at the more progressive Islamic countries (eg. Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, etc.)

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