sI had to check this out. I was watching an old disney movie from my childhood in the early 80's. The movie 'Pete's Dragon' was made in the late 70's I stopped however upon on scene. I gasped when I watched it last night and had to rewind (It was one of those white Video tapes) and I was right! I was shocked! I mean how could anyone miss this referance.
It's at 1.23 in. The hilarious con artist mentions 'Kingdom Hall' and how he was thrown out. (I doubt Jim Dale wasa JW so this is from the writers) I rewatch several times and asked my pimi wife to listen and she confirmed it said 'kingdom hall'.
The context of this song now becomes more screwed up however. A con arstist selling drnks as medicine... uh Jehovahs Witnesses? I bet however Antony Morris loves this though he can have medicine delivered that preforms miracles of healing. (BTW Red Buttons reminds me of Steven Lett lol)