w80 10/1 p. 25 After These “Last Days” God’s Messianic Kingdom! - "When speaking of those final days of the Jewish system of things, Jesus said: “Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” Reportedly, there were 97,000 Jews inside Jerusalem that survived the siege and desolation of their holy city and its temple built by King Herod. However, these were not the “chosen ones” on whose account that “great tribulation” was shortened. Rather, these were the Christians, who, after the lifting of the first siege in 66 C.E., promptly obeyed Jesus’ advice as given in Matthew 24:16-20 and fled from the doomed city to outside the province of Judea. All of that back there was bad enough. But if Jesus’ words about it in Matthew 24:20 ("no, nor will occur again) and Mark 13:19 ("...and will not occur again") are restricted to just the end of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., then his language regarding this becomes extravagant. It certainly was not the greatest tribulation ever to occur in all recorded human history." (JW's: which part of "not occur again" is hard to understand? 🤣🤣)
Scripturally speaking, if the flood in Noah's day wiped out at least 99.99% of the world's population, that would easily qualify as the greatest tribulation "in all recorded human history." But Jesus wasn't talking about that; he was describing the greatest tribulation to ever occur in the Jewish nation - not "the world."