2019 Convention - The Fear Mongering!
by John_Carter_1912 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Totally over the top as usual. What is slightly strange is the elder is shown as doing more & more , yet much of that is Society demands upon his time & energy.
These leaders have to hire better writers. They have truly run out of any original or fresh ideas. The doctrinal component of this religion can easily be dismantled and exposed as being false. All they are left with now is to ramp up the “fear mongering” along with the strong “emotional rewards” in the future paradise…that is imminently around the very next corner.
1 - You have too much to do to be able to give attention to anyone who deserves it ? It's your fault, do better.
2 - Police can come at your door anytime and you'll end up in Guantanamo...
And the "big love implies big responsibilities" part made me laugh a bit 😂
And what will "the police is coming" do to ensure I do more now? The police will come to enforce Noahide Law, but does that mean I am going to go out and do more now while I still can if it is senseless? So why would they be moved to go door to door more, when it makes no sense, just because it could be illegal in a few years?
And "around the corner" means nothing, either. If something is always "just a few years or months away", pretty soon it means nothing and it will be business as usual. I have been hearing this same rubbish since the late 1988. "Enjoy this table, because this could be the last one" in 1989 (I saw another one in 1990). "There is no way this system is going to last past 1995", spoken by someone in field circus in late 1994 (more than 20 years ago). And each time they come up with a specific time or date, I wait until the day after to beat up on them for another false prediction. And especially when they have nothing to base their forecasts on. No astrology (that can be cross-referenced). No history. No nothing.
WBTS teach the government and their police are bad. They're coming to get you!
WBTS use same government and police to enforce copyright laws to remove their videos from online sources.
Dear WBTS - hypocrite much?
WBTS teach the government and their police are bad. They're coming to get you!
WBTS use same government and police to enforce copyright laws to remove their videos
from online sources.
Dear WBTS - hypocrite much?
Just goes to show you - they don't really believe in their stormtroopers-are-coming hype. It's just a mechanism to induce fear and hence obedience among the "contemptible masses" of their followers.
Besides the fear mongering, he is so busy with congregational responsibilities, he doesn’t even have time to visit his close friend in the hospital to say goodbye to him before he passes away. Isn’t that the truth, at least they portray things accurately how this Cult completely takes a persons time and relationships away from them!
Only seconds away
I totally disagree.. what is so SICKENING... is that they portrayed it as all the work he was doing... even missing his friend's death... WAS A GOOD THING cause in the end they were all together in paradise!