New Zealand couple wants baby to die.

by Riley 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Riley

    I swear to Allah how the hell do ex-dubs not see through these anti vax grifters and con men. The whole pandemic to me has been nothing but a huge PSTD trip back to my childhood.

  • enoughisenough

    I did a brief enough scan to know they were correct in thinking they didn't want the baby to have the c19 vx blood...there is and has been lots of information coming out about the sudden deaths of people who took the vx. ( and according to a person who testified in a hearing -the phizer vx wasn't tested to see if it prevented spread of the c19...Anyone who is willing take their heads out of the sand will realize, there is something very wrong about the whole vx narrative being a good thing. I watched several videos about the issues with the vx and in the comment sections, so many people telling of how they were adversely effected or had friends and family killed by them. They murdered my sister with that poison.

  • LongHairGal


    Very sad situation. Many people just don’t know what to think about the Covid vax. Is it or is it not safe?

    Somebody is still applying the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ to people who just don’t want the Covid vax. That’s okay. I’ll just post my own comment:..True anti-vaxxers are against the childhood vaccines most of us have gotten.

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