Terry--I think Atlantis wanted you to have this file-(1895 Rutherford book)!

by Atlantis 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    Hi Terry:

    Just got back from Paris and Dad and I stopped in to see Atlantis. Found him snoozing in his easy chair and a file was sitting here with your name on it.
    So I think he wanted you to have it for your records or if you wanted it for an article. He has one Red Bookmark in the PDF under ( Married Women ), and since both Rutherford and Russell treated their wives like dirt, I guess that is why it is in Red.
    The file is Rutherford's first book when he was in Boonville Missouri. I don't recall ever seeing this file before so it has got to be very rare.
    Laws Of Missouri Legal Manual For Farmers and Bankers etc, dated 1895, About 130 pages.

  • Magnum

    Don't know whether Terry wanted it, but I did. Downloaded it. Thanks.

  • Atlantis


    Great hearing from you again Magnum and hope all is well with you. Have a good weekend.


  • jwleaks

    If any jackass is found running at large the owner shall be fined (Rutherford 1895, 23).

    Makes me think of the current $4000 a day fines being imposed by the court in California on the corporation Rutherford set up which is now known as Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.

  • TerryWalstrom

    Thank you and many thanks to Atlantis. I get e-mails from him almost every day!


  • wifibandit

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