Actual setting of meeting demonstration this week

by neat blue dog 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    Invite your student to the Memorial, and explain from the Bible why he should not partake of the emblems.

    They might as well just put up a Warning: Do Not Feed the Visitors sign 🤣 Meanwhile, more and more baptized JWs by the thousands continue to come out of the annointed closet year by year.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    I think I would tell them it is a BYOB celebration of the Lord's Supper.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    It basically is, the Elders are 'encouraging' everyone to have 'emblems' to set out in front of themselves for Zoom, but not touch.

  • BluesBrother

    This "invite your student to the Memorial" thing is a bit weird in these times.

    Basically you have to give them the log in codes for your Cong. Meeting

    Ask them to sit in front of their laptop at home with a camera open on them shown to a group they don't know

    Ask tbem to have a glass of red wine and a Jewish matzoh sitting before them but NO , do not drink it - just touch it when invited to.

    Listen quietly to the talkon screen .......

    Really? Are strangers going to do that? They are going to think this very strange indeed.

  • waton
    do not drink it - just touch it when invited to.

    BB. yeap, that is what they are demonstrating. putting in pioneer hours. bet you though, that all that wine and these crackers will be eaten. (as Jesus said they should be)

  • nowwhat?

    If john chap 6 comes up tell your bible student Jesus really didn't mean that!

  • waton

    or if a savvy student notices that the partakers at the last supper were not the anointed, persistently expressed an earthly hope, and Jesus said: " eat drink all of you."

  • steve2

    Where else on earth do you get an invite to a special evening meal where bread and wine are served and you are instructed not to partake?

    Might as well have stayed at home.

  • Phizzy

    If you were ever forced to explain this strange thing, I don't recall I ever was, because I never invited anyone ! but surely, as you explain, it must strike you how 'kin weird the whole idea is ?

    I remember also listening once to a Sister on the Theo. School explaining the 1914 Doctrine, and it struck me then for the first time how absolutely silly the "proofs" were, I guess I began waking up around then.

    Some people seeing the Memorial explained could well have a similar Epiphany !

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