It's a warm spring day and some of the Governing Body are hanging around the office and talking to the staff. Suddenly the phone rings. Geoffrey Jackson reaches the phone, waving the secretary away. "I've got it," he mouthed.
"Hello, Geoffrey Jackson," he said. What a thrill it would be for the person on the other end, he thought. A real GB member on the line! What a story this would be for the person's grandkids, he thought! But then he went cold.
"Psssst," said Mark Sanderson, "what's wrong?" But Jackson held up his hand and quickly waved him back.
"Uh-huh...yes, I see. Uh-huh...I'll pass it on. Ummm...thanks." Then Jackson hangs up the phone.
"What in the world is it?" says Sanderson, looking grave.
"Yeah, I've got some good news and some bad news," Jackson says.
"Well, what's the good news?" Sanderson says.
"The good news," Jackson says, "is that Christ has returned at last!"
The office is stunned. Sanderson gives him a crooked smile, then asks, "If that's the good news, what's the bad?"
Jackson paused. "The bad news is, he's calling from Salt Lake City!