Red Cross is desperate for blood at work. I considered doing it. Is this a disfellowshipping sin? Elders or any Witness can USE red Cross blood fractions if the are hymophiliac or have other medical issues if there "contience allows them." So why can't Witness give blood or have the red Cross at the Kingdom hall on Sunday getting volunteers? Such a mind bending warped crazy doctrine is full of holes and bull crap.
Donating blood a disfellowshipping offence?? What if an Elder needs my blood fractions?
by Witness 007 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Such a mind bending warped crazy doctrine is full of holes and bull crap."
That may be the case , but try telling them that! In the U K it is not possible to direct your blood donations to one person, it all goes into the pool.
I could imagine them asking "what would they do with the rest of it? "
No matter what, blood donation would still land you before a Judicial Committee.
Interestingly, under the Law (De 14:21) an Israelite could sell unbled meat to the alien and foreigner. (Here) WT sometimes cites the Law for support; sometimes they ignore it.
Since (in theory) JWs don't accept whole blood, then, they should be free to donate it, or even sell it.
In reality, WT does what it wants, and cites whatever laws that suit themselves.
Another reality is that JWs (for the most part) do not really care what the scriptures say. They will say they do care. But what matters most is what the GB says.
The bOrg wants your blood, sweat, and tears -- every last drop. (Your money too!)
You CANNOT donate it to another organization.
Anony Mous
@bobcat: Jesus said, who among you would not pull their donkey or oxen out of the ditch on a Sabbath day. The Jews have long understood the concept of saving a life being more important than the law. It is one of the defining aspects of Jewish and by extension Western culture.
When you discuss the blood question with the Dubs, bring up those verses in regards Jesus’ disciples threshing grain in their hands on a sabbath day. It’s an interesting discussion.
bobcat: Jesus said, who among you would not pull their donkey or oxen out of the ditch on a Sabbath day. The Jews have long understood the concept of saving a life being more important than the law. It is one of the defining aspects of Jewish and by extension Western culture.
Pikuach Nephesh
The wonderful freedom that I acquired by leaving all those years ago meant I could donate blood, Vote, and smoke.
The latter was a silly thing to do, but I enjoyed cigars, I gave up last year due to Covid, but will take it up again when I am 80 years old, why not ?
I am now too old to donate blood, but am glad I did for those years I was able to do so, I hope it helped a good few people. To be involved in politics, local and national is important, a civic duty.
Yes, they could disfellowship me, but would they bother after all these years ? I doubt it, and really do not care.
I am sorry for those stil trapped by the fear of being DF'd, that did worry me for a while, but not enough to impinge upon my freedom to do what i damn well like, and to do what is right.
If you choose to Donate Blood, which you should, and if you were threatened with being DF'd, then there are ways to spike their guns. I doubt they would go ahead if you said you were going on National T.V and to the National and local Press to expose their illogical, unscriptural and vile position on blood.
Another aspect of the Biblical blood 'laws' is that they all involved the death of the creature from which the blood came. Only in that way did the blood represent the life of that creature. For example, if a Jew under the Law were to drain a pint of blood from his best bull (while keeping it alive) and bring that blood to the Temple to present as an offering, it would be useless. The Law required the person to put his hand on the head of the sacrificial animal to symbolize that the animal was standing in his place and then the animal had to be slaughtered. Then a sample of the blood was offered in sacrifice.
But blood donation does not involve any loss of life of the person donating. Therefore, the donated blood could not represent any life.
On the other hand, as I understand it, some of the 'minor' fractions used in medicine are derived from animals that have been killed for that purpose. (Correct me if I am wrong about this.) So, what I am thinking is that, in theory, if one is going to use the Law (or even Gen 9) as a basis for one's blood theology, it would be these very fractions that should be forbidden.
Having said that, I am not entirely sure how much animal blood is used nowadays to derive fractions or medicines.