Not a new subject, I think i have posted on this before, as well as others
But, I came across a British Museum video (on Youtube) in which a BM curator tells of his discovery of a cuneiform tablet outlining the Assyrian story of the flood and the (round) ark.
The BM curator was Dr Irving Finkel, Deputy Keeper of Middle East at the British Museum, he explains that one day a member of the public brought in an old family heirloom
It all started with a fairly normal event for a museum: a member of the public bringing in an old family heirloom - a cuneiform tablet from around 1750 BC which proved to be one in a million.
Finkel proceeded to decipher this tablet. and realised he had discovered the earliest account of the ancient Babylonian ‘Story of the Flood’ – a story that a bible writer later incorporated into the genesis account.Finkel's brief account is in this shorter version of longer explanations.