Do you think it did any good for them?
Ex-Elders: Have You Ever Aapologized to Someone You DF'D?
by Perry 5 Replies latest jw friends
nobody told me
I did apologize for removing a pioneer (service comm.) who had a fall out with an elder. She was right, he was wrong. She was a woman. he was an elder. Need I say more?
Sam Beli
Do you think it did any good for them
Only a little, but it made me feel somewhat better.
I haven't. But if I ran into a few, I no doubt would. There is one in particular that I would love to be able to apologize to but will never. She is dead.
No I haven?t but I would have no problem doing it, the only thing is most of the ones I was a part of DF?D still believe it is the truth.
I would rather apologize to the ones I convinced to stay in the Org.
not yet