XJW Conference in Austin/San Antonio Area - Aug. 13-15

by Sea Breeze 9 Replies latest social current

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    There is an XJW conference coming up in the Austin / San Antonio Texas area in a couple of weeks. Former elders, ex-pioneers, born-ins and former ministerial servants will be speaking about the problems with the WT and offering ideas on how to approach current members. Counter Cult experts will be speaking as well. Starts Friday at 5pm.

    Friday evening at 8pm, a band will play in the courtyard in a relaxed atmosphere. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Rudy's Barbeque served on Saturday for lunch. Come share your story and make some new friends!

    - Sea Breeze

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  • Biahi

    I went to one of these many years ago at Wheaton College, held in the Billy Graham Center. It was great. 👍🏻😀

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  • Biahi

    I just remembered, there were ex Mormons there, too. They had someone speak about the “Mormon underwear”. It was eye opening, some of these wacky cult beliefs. The guy who spoke said he used to bring the underwear with to show in his talks, but someone told him that was offensive, so now he stopped.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    There is one ex-mormon speaking at the conference on Friday evening. He was a 4th gen born-in. He's been interviewed on ABC national news. Very good speaker.

    A lot of similarities between JW's and Mormons.

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    If anyone would like to go and needs a hotel, let me know. They are ridiculously expensive in NB this time of year because of the river floaters and rafters.

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  • Biahi

    I love New Braunfels, I was there a few years ago. I think apostate Roger Kirkpatrick lives there. He’s the one who wrote the truthful JW letter.

  • Biahi

    Looks like it’s just you and me here, Seabreeze. 😇

  • IWant2Leave

    I would like to go but i’m PIMO. Maybe soon, once I make a clean break. I’m about 4 hours away. Maybe I could wear a Groucho Marx disguise.😂

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  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Apparently the meme in the OP has the wrong web address for live stream viewing. I believe this one has the correct addresses.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Just giving this a bump.


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