The India Bethel has been moved from Pune, which is not far from Bombay, to Bangalore, in the south.
The Indian Bethel in Pune had a big shake up a couple of years ago. Basically, there was a lot of ?jobs for the boys? going on, and as a result, the Indian Bethel was grossly over staffed compared to the number of publishers in the country. As a result, a lot of the
staff found themselves out in the field (a rather hot, sticky one at that) as pioneers rather than enjoying the cushier life in
The move toBangalore
is also interesting. About 90% of all publishers in
are in the South, coming mainly from former Christian backgrounds, in Kerula,
, etc. In the north, which is typically more traditionally and strong Hindu, there has been very little growth, despite the activities of missionaries in the 50s and early 60?s (until the majority were kicked out by the government).
India is an interesting place; each year more new Indian babies are born into the world than there are witnesses globally! Yet God will not think twice about destroying these innocents at Armageddon, which, as we all know, is just around the corner.