The Watchtower Wins, Disfellowshipping stays, Shunning stays.

by liam 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • liam

    The verdict is out.

    After full understanding and decision by the State Administrator, full confirmation in the appeal case by the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, three victories in the injunction case, a full victory in the district court, we now faced a loss in the Court of Appeal.

    These are the kinds of things you always risk when fighting against someone who never gives up, who has unlimited resources to hire teams of the most expensive lawyers you can find, and lobbying forces that manage to get even human rights organizations like the Norwegian Helsinki Committee to take their side and work against our case.

    I have not read the verdict, have not read the reasoning, have not seen what the consequences will be. I expect the State to appeal this to the Supreme Court, which JV would also do if they lost. In that sense, this does not have any consequences right now, beyond a little disappointment.

    "Liv Inger Gabrielsen at the Government Attorney represented the state at the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs in court. She comments on the verdict as follows:

    – The Court of Appeal shares the ministry's view that the practice of Jehovah's Witnesses towards children who violate the norms of the religious community and risk exclusion can be very unpleasant, humiliating and demanding, among other things because they can lose contact with family members and friends. Nevertheless, the court "doubts" that this is not psychological violence that violates children's rights, she writes to Vårt Land."

    Unfortunately, the law has its limitations when you always have to deal with people who have no idea whatsoever about how such groups work. How language works, how control works. How total control over people cannot be transferred to written arguments in a completely different setting.

    But no matter what happens, the point of this has always been public education, understanding, community, the desire for reforms, the need to tell our story. Establishing the voices of those who should never be allowed to have a voice.

    The fight for the freedom to be able to make one's life choices without facing heavy, life-destroying reprisals from the same organization that received state support in our name.

    That fight continues. If the Court of Appeal's judgment stands up to the Supreme Court, §6 of the Religious Communities Act is in practice stone dead and will never be used anywhere. If it cannot be used against JV and their detailed instructions for how defectors are to be punished, it will not be used against anyone else either. Then it must be rewritten.

    The last chapter has not been written anyway.

    Here is my comment in Vårt Land:

    Jan Frode Nilsen is a former member of Jehovah's Witnesses and has testified for the state in court. He is disappointed by the judgment.

    • I am critical of the judgment, but cannot go into depth without having read the reasoning. There is something about the sentence "it was not made probable either". If you can't prove Section 6 to a religious community that has written instructions on exclusion, then Section 6 of the Religious Communities Act is completely dead, he says.

    He also points out that judges often have a different opinion of the matter than those who have lived in the religious community.

    • Law and religion are two worlds that collide, and therefore there can be differences in the understanding of how closed religious communities function, he says.

    Nilsen clarifies to Vårt Land that he has not yet read the reasoning of the Court of Appeal.

    • I have always expected that this case would go to the Supreme Court. The difference is that they enter as "winners", I had hoped to avoid that.

  • Vidiot


    Apparently, the WTS is free to resume ostracizing former members, concealing sexual crimes, and condemning secular authority…

    …all at the taxpayers’ expense.


    By the way…

    …there’s no such thing as “unlimited resources”.

    If there were, the Org wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass about losing their state subsidies in the first place.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    With all the recent European cases, the courts are violating their own laws. These laws are being used to persecute some groups (but not about these matters, the other cases are mostly around prayer in public), when it comes to JW the WTBTS has consistently been able to persuade the politicians and judges not to convict them on clear written law. The only other groups that have consistently evaded the laws as written is Muslims.

    My opinion is that at various levels, the WTBTS’ pretending to have an arms-length relationship and investments with organization like the UN, shady corporations like Rand Corporation and various trusts which do work on behalf of the UN and WEF and off course the influence they get in local politics through their real estate empire seems to be paying off for them.

    The thing is the WTBTS is too small for major scrutiny but big enough to be able to “convince” a few politicians and judges to look the other way, especially at a local level.

  • LongHairGal


    Maybe they won here but who knows what will happen in the future(?)

    One thing is certain: more of the public have been exposed to what the JWs are all about if they didn’t know already. I still think they are going down quickly. Doesn’t matter about new policies greeting people who are DFd/removed OR visits to long time Faders/ Inactive people to entice them back because they are looking for $$ and people to do favors.🤮

    When the die-hards/Boomers are gone I think the JW religion is pretty much done and will deserve to join the list of defunct American religions.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    When the die-hards/Boomers are gone I think the JW religion is pretty much done and will deserve to join the list of defunct American religions.

    I watched a few zoom meetings during covid just out of curiosity. I think the org has already forgotten about the boomers. It has moved on and left most of them scratching their heads.

    The reason why JW's dont like to engage in converstion is because I really dont think any of them can explain the non-sensical changes of the last 20 years. Anyone with some functioning brain cells should be embarassed to be a JW.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I believe what you say about the org ‘moving on and leaving boomers scratching their heads’…I am Out many years so I have no contact.

    I think anyone with functioning brain cells should not only be embarrassed to be a JW - but they should have been out the door by now.. I do realize some are ‘stuck’ because of family who will shun them.. It was easy for me to ‘Fade’ years ago because I was independent and had no family there and was not held ‘hostage’ by any connections.🤮 Thank God.

  • menrov

    There still could be a supreme court case coming.....let's wait and see. Agree, it is disappointing. However, I noticed governments are struggling with religious freedom vs country laws. I believe the verdict was that the law regarding state approval and funding does not support exclusion based on the arguments provided. It is my understanding that emotional 'damage' is hard to prove and therefore not the best argument. But, it could be that the supreme court has a different view (if there will be an appeal).

  • Gorb

    So, Watchtower made the removed rule easy for nothing.


  • DesirousOfChange
    I think anyone with functioning brain cells should not only be embarrassed to be a JW - but they should have been out the door by now. -- LHG

    Fact is .............anyone with functioning braincells IS ALREADY OUT THE DOOR. (Many of them congregating here, at least temporarily.)

  • Balaamsass2

    Well out of the frying pan and into the fire?

    Czech Culture Ministry Considers Deregistration of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    The Czech Ministry of Culture is considering the possible cancellation of the religious registration of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Religious Society, and has sent the organisation an appeal to desist from its illegal activities, ministry spokeswoman Jana Zechmeisterova told CTK today.

    The ministry has received thousands of complaints from the Jehovah’s Witnesses about the proposal, which must be dealt with first. Administrative proceedings have not yet been initiated, Zechmeisterova said.

    She said the ministry had begun to deal with the proposals it had received about the cancellation of the registration of the Religious Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses (NSSJ). They were mainly about damaging the social ties of society members and their families and preventing minors from receiving medical care appropriate to their health needs, according to reports from and

    The Culture Ministry, led by Martin Baxa (ODS), accuses the NSSJ of five offences, which they were supposed to address within three months. Both parties involved confirmed to that they had not been corrected.

    “The ministry is looking into the issue, but no administrative proceedings are currently underway,” Zechmeisterova told CTK. “The ministry will decide on whether to initiate administrative proceedings after it studies the content of several thousand complaints from NSSJ members that we have received in recent weeks.”

    The complaints against Jehovah’s Witnesses relate to alleged damage to people’s social ties and families. When members leave the religious society, other Witnesses have to severely limit, and often completely cease, social contact with them. The Ministry also stated that it respects the right to religious freedom and values the contribution of fellow believers to society.

    “There is no legal or doctrinal reason for the cancellation of the registration of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” quoted David Kula, director of the NSSJ’s public relations department, as saying. “Such a move would be discriminatory, illegal and for thousands of peaceful citizens of the Czech Republic would mean a gross interference in their religious life.”

    There are 13,298 NSSJ members in the Czech Republic, according to the latest census data, but the society itself claims 30,000 witnesses and sympathisers.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses began operating in the territory of the present-day Czech Republic in 1912, and were registered in 1934. Two associations, the International Association of Bible Scholars and the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, were active in Czechoslovakia at the time. They were persecuted during World War Two before resuming their activities after the war, but were forced underground again after the 1948 Communist coup.

    They reapplied for registration after the collapse of the regime in January 1990, and registered as the 20th official church in the country in September 1993,and%20were%20registered%20in%201934.

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