A rather annoying occurance...

by Enishi 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enishi

    Here I am, sitting in the college library, reading this site, when some guy walks by me, turns around and glances at my computer. He steps back, takes a closer look at it and says "Hmm, what site is that? Jehovahs Witness? Hmm, I see...just curious" then turns and walks away. Needless to say, I was rather irritated. I'm not sure if the guy was a fellow-apostate or not (though I can't see why else this site would catch his eye), but if he was then judging by the tone of his voice he probably thought I was still a loyal dub or something.

    The thing that really annoyed me though, was him coming up to my computer and looking over my shoulder. How is what I'm looking at any of his business? Has anyone else ever had this happen when they were on a site about witnesses?

  • Valis

    eh I don't care...maybe that person will show up here sometime. I'm more than willing for someone to ask me about it.


    District Overbeer

  • Latte


    I know what you mean about someone peering over you shoulder uninvited, don?t think that I would like it. (unless it was Bradd Pitt of course)

    I have to say though, that there have been a few occasions where I have been out somewhere, and have been racking my brain as to how I can talk to someone who is displaying W/T literature. For instance I was out with my kids and sat next to this woman who had an old w/t publication (very worn book) I tried getting into conversation with her, turns out that she was ?a believer?. I got the impression that she really didn?t want to talk. Guess I blew my chance to sow some seeds of doubt?.lol

    It is very tempting to talk about JW issues, you know what it?s like - burns a hole in your head. Maybe he just wanted that opening to talk???

    There was another occaision where this lady say openly studying her W/T whilst her kids played in the indoor play area. I was sat across the way writing my very first Xmas cards,(LOL )so I was feeling kinda nervous, also I had the UN thing flying through my brain. I would a of loved to of ?enlightened? her, but it is difficult striking up converstions with strangers - especially about something as emotive as the JW cult.

    Just a few rambling!

  • Maverick

    I think that was very rude! I travel and have used Library Computers to check my E-mail and visit y-all. Even if I glance at a computer screen as I go to my station I would NEVER comment on it. That is an invation of that persons privacy. He may have been interested in YOU, and foolishly, stupidly, and idiotically thought he could get your attention by doing what he did. He's a bone head whose mother should have taught him better! Maverick

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