"I hope Disfellowshipped ones do not attend the Memorial"

by AFRIKANMAN 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    D---Head comment ...by someone called Jay Witness on that forum-

    What a Smug bunch of Pharisees they breed !

    """It makes me feel odd to invite tons of worldly people who are obviously fornicators and idolaters and then not be able to even show a little love such as a "hello" to a disfellowshipped brother or sister. Does not compute mentally. Just sayin'

    We should make the Memorial for baptized, active, approved members of JW.org in secret locations only. Less stress for me.

    Jesus did not die for thier sins since they unrepentant and subsequently disfellowshipped.

    How do you handle the disfellowshipped at the Memorial? """"


  • OrphanCrow

    "Does not compute mentally."

    No shit, Sherlock.

    That is what is called "cognitive dissonance". What a perfect example.


    "secret locations only. Less stress for me."

  • LongHairGal

    Let them go ahead and do that. Many people don't want to go to the memorial anyway.

    Let them make it at a real secret location!🙄

  • OutsiderLookingIn

    Yikes! There are no words On one hand, it shows they feel some tension about their inconsistent behavior. Smiling in the face of "obvious" fornicators and idolaters and refusing to say hello to someone because of their own man-made rules. But it's highly offensive to say who Jesus died and didn't die for. It's the sick who need a doctor, not people who think they have it all together.

    As for the Memorial being a closed event for active, approved members of their club, they can keep it. As a never dub, I don't think I could sit idly by as a roomful of "God's own people" reject the sacrifice Jesus made. Sorry, my schedule's all booked.

  • OneEyedJoe
    I don't know... That post almost seems like a parody/satire to me...
  • Sabin

    Yes but did you read one of the comments LOL

    "Our current J.W. policy says we should continue to not acknowledge their presence once they do show up."

    " It is good for them not to forget the love from which they have been banned."

    Can you believe that some idiot wrote that, i have given myself a tummy ache from laughing.

  • Listener
    My guess Sabin is, that as the JW Administrator, he is subtly trying to wake people up.
  • WTWizard

    If I want to reject Jesus, I will simply blow the whole thing off. Personally, I don't even think Original Sin is anything more than a debt tool designed to enslave us. Hence, Jesus wouldn't even be needed. My Christ is nothing more than the sun, which shows up far more reliably than Jesus ever will. And if we were to see Jesus again, it would be so that thing could enslave us all under tight communism of the worst kind. The sun will not do that.

    The last I knew, there is no ceremony where you pass emblems in honor of the sun. That was done during Christmas, when I celebrated the rebirth of the sun. This is supposed to be Astaroth's season, at least in the Northern hemisphere. Of course, you are rejecting Astaroth as well as Jesus by going to that whole event. Hence, I desire to simply blow the whole thing off. And if they have it in secret, that's one less chance for them to waste their time and paper inviting me. At that, when Saturn is in 16 degrees of Sagittarius, an advantageous sign for this cult.

  • Harvard Illiterate 411
    Harvard Illiterate 411

    "Secret locations only"

    I agree. All JW's should meet in Kim Jong-un's secret underground bunker and stay there. Forever. Amen.

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