Searching for a true friend to talk to inconfnement
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by Shyness 4 Replies latest social relationships
I don't think advertising for a "close friend" works ... the concept of a close friend that you can talk to in confidence (?) is something that you develop over time, by building up trust as you get to know someone.
You can though, elicit advice off strangers and sometimes that can be of similar use.
Please don't get me wrong, close meaning to share spiritual taughts with
Shyness. I'll gladly be your friend. I dissasociated in December so also need someone to talk to.
Not sure how you would like to communicate or what your circumstances are.
I'm not on Facebook.
Please don't get me wrong, close meaning to share spiritual thoughts with
......I'm guessing this person is quite young and doesn't realize yet that this discussion forum is mostly made up be ex-jws, not jws