Ringling Brothers is my first thought. Got slot of clowns on their tv programs.
Who really owns Watchtower?
by Overrated 8 Replies latest jw friends
Stephen Lett is a Bozo-the-fuggin-retarded-dufos-Clown!
Anna Marina
Are they owned by the Police? Not the Police Police but the Police. Eh?
I heard they were secret bought by Elon Musk a few year ago. The magazines will soon include all kind of articles on those who are ruining the earth and secret messages to buy Telsas.
stan livedeath
Who really owns Watchtower?
The crazy thing is, "Who owns the Watchtower" is a real question with a real answer. It is a corporation based in the U.S. and has international branches around the world.
Conversely, ask the question "Who owns the Church" and the answer is "Jesus". Notice, Jehovah doesn't own the Watchtower.
Yeah thats a question that I have often wondered myself.
Watchtower is owned by the ecclesiastic hierarchy of Jehovah's Witnesses.
There is no way that Watchtower is ran by God. The way it looks like a bunch of wealthy clowns that feel they are above everyone and try to wield their power over other gullible people. They strike out with me. Makes my bullshit meter go off.