Oh, the loyal Dubbies will EAT THIS UP...

by Michael3000 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Michael3000

    From the SciFi e-mail list I belong to:

    The Omen) and producer Gavin Polone to develop a six-to-eight-hour limited series based on the apocalypse as foretold in the Book of Revelation, Variety reported. NBC hopes to roll out the series right after its broadcast of the Athens Olympics in late August, airing an hour a week as an event designed to create momentum for the fall season, the trade paper reported.

    Set just before the start of Armageddon, the series will follow two central characters, a physicist and a nun, who are racing against the clock to see if the apocalypse can be averted. It's possible the limited series could include an Ant i christ character, sources told the trade paper. The series is as yet untitled.

    Might be fun to float some ideas about a title. Enjoy...
  • stillajwexelder

    So will the born-agains and evangelicals

  • rem

    Maybe this series will be the real trumpet blasts of Revelation?


  • Satanus


    Good one. It will certainly get more publicity than those stupid socalled declarations at wt conventions back in the 20's, which noone knew about.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Dubs will probably watch the program, if only to check too make sure it was "Bible Based(tm)".

    Since it is not a WTB&TS production, it will be found inaccurate, but Dubs will be able to use it as a conversation starter with some people. Combine this TV show with the fact that we are now fully 90 years into the "time of the end" that began in 1914. We know Noah had to wait 120 years to see the outworking of Jehovah's promise and warning in his day, so we should be willing to hang on until 2034, though the nearness of Armageddon is probably only a matter of weeks or months, not days.

    Damn! I bit my tongue again!!

  • Adam

    I doubt the normal rank and file dubs will watch it. Oh, they'll want to. They'll hear their co workers talking about how good it is and see the advertisements touting it's great ratings and reviews. But from up on high the GB will tell them all they need to know about this tool of Satan and all about how this, that, and the other part are wrong and about how the fact that everyone else seems to like it shows just how bad the state of the wold has gotten.

    Anybody know if there was an official JW response to the movie "stigmata" or was it just the catholics that got pissed over that one?

  • Valis
    I doubt the normal rank and file dubs will watch it. Oh, they'll want to.

    Hey Adam...I have to disagree here...I think they will watch it just like they watched The Ten Commandments...and The Day After...Just my .02 cents. In some sick way they take it and twist the meaning to validate their own delusion..."See we told you!"..


    District Overbeer

  • Adam

    You may be right Val. Let me make an alteration then: The JW rank and file will do whatever the GB tells them is the will of Jehovah. If the GB finds that there is too much truth contained in the series, brought forth in a logical and convincing manner, that brings into question the JW way of veiwing Revelation then they will tell the sheep not to watch. If it's way off base and they can safely hold it up as an example of how everyone else has it wrong, then they'll encourage them to view it.

    You know, it's nice not claiming that my predictions and opinions come from the one and only higher power. I can change stuff whenever I want to! It's very liberating. The GB should try it.

  • DanTheMan

    A bunch of people from the cong I attended went and saw "Armageddon" when it was out in theaters. I, being a very anal dub, was deeply offended at this.

    I don't think the born-again/evangelical "Left Behind" crowd will be into this series, due to one of the central characters being a nun, since they (like JW's) think Catholicism is straight from Satan.

    Hard to know what demographic they're targeting here, I'm scratching my head...

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    The Jehovah Connection Part II This time its personal!!!

    The abyss where they will be weeping and knashing of teeth!!

    Its off now, but all Jehovah gots to do is get the burners going!

    And we will be shish kaboobs!

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