Dumbing Down?

by LostintheFog1999 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostintheFog1999


    Have you seen the latest WT Society's way of engaging with their audience? Cartoon bible stories. Many of us can remember the heavy books of old with their pages full of closely typed lines with hardly any illustrations or no pictures at all.

    And now this. Talk about dumbing things down.

  • Drearyweather

    This is not a new release. It was released 10 years back in 2013 as a set of 25 Illustrated Bible Stories for JW children. On the website its under the section Children, placed along with other Caleb and Sophia videos.

    A letter accompanied this release encouraging JW parents to study these with their children during their Family worship sessions. My congregation's elders printed out these comic stories, spiral binded them and gave it each family head which had children.

  • LostintheFog1999


    Thank-you. I assumed it was a new thing because that's where it appears on their JW org page under the "what's new" heading. See screenshot below:

  • enoughisenough

    the GB has been talking to mostly intelligent people for years like they are children...so boring and irritating

  • Vidiot

    Reminds me of one of Peter Dinklage’s lines in the Disney adaptation of Prince Caspian…

    ”…get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become…”

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