One of the most vexing matters confronting us as Christians has to do with the apparent lack of honesty of so-called "Christian" teachers on the many issues they frequently talk about. This should not be shocking to us since Scripture tells us that "everyone has sinned. " (Rom. 5.12, GNT) And Romans 3.4 does say: "God is honest, and everyone else is a liar." (GW) We could say that Christian teachers being "human" as they are, are going to transmit the wrong information to us at times, whether this is done on purpose or not, that’s another matter.
I have no doubt that both the WT Society and mainstream religious groups have lied to us. Who does the most lying is not so easy to determine. Who can you trust? On the positive side, I bet that most religious people do not go about on purpose trying to deceive others. Just as Saul of Tarsus was convinced of his righteous ways when persecuting Christians, so too, many are sincere in their Christian beliefs. It was not our decision to choose the country where we were born. In many cases, we inherited the religion of our parents with all its faults. The fact is that the knowledge we currently have is partial. No one knows everything.
When Christ disciples asked him: "Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction." (Acts 1.6,7) From this statement, we can say that those religious folks who pretend to have the answers as to ‘the time and hour of the end’ are going beyond what they should. Luke 21.8 reports Jesus saying: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them." If this is so, why are some prophecies given with time frames in Scripture?
The WT record in the past century regarding dates on the time of the end can’t be taken too seriously. They have failed us, and themselves. The WTS likes to pass the blame to the brotherhood for "their eager expectations." That’s not good! Furthermore, there are some reports of the WT Society avoiding their government responsibilities by not paying ‘to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.’ (Mark 12.17) And then they tell us we have to be ALWAYS honest, even when reporting our taxes. They often fool government agencies the world over for financial gain. Why are they not abiding by Russian rules? Why have some missionaries being caught transporting WT money and stocks illegally from one country to another? Am I missing something here?
And then we perceive the deceit behind their doctrine of "the faithful and discreet slave," in order to exercise control over their "brothers." The doctrine "from house to house" is another cunning move lacking honesty, for what is meant by this expression is not exactly what the WT preaches. The WT policy on child molesters is not enough, and reminds me of the famous WT lawyer (Covington) saying in Court: "Unity at all costs."
On the other hand, surprisingly, I find the WT has a much better record representing Scriptures such as John 1.1; John 1.18; John 8.58; Acts 20.28; Hebrews 1.8, among others, compared to that of predominant religious groups. I know some in this site will disagree with me, but that has been my experience. The stand of many scholars on these Scriptures, and the way they attack their opposers is embarrassingly dishonest. They frequently hide valuable information from their readers, and are not fair at all with anyone who disagrees with them. See here for one sample on John 8.58:
Another example of distorted information presented to the public is illustrated by this article:
On E.C. Colwell on John 1.1 who many have trusted with all
their heart, there is brief information here, for those who missed it:
Hundreds of folks cite Robert H. Countess and his book as an authority -- in his critique of John 1.1 in the NWT. However, Countess is off in his conclusions. Perhaps, I will write something briefly on the subject one of these days.
Where I find most dishonesty within the WT deals mainly with organizational procedures, and whatever they are willing to do to justify their questionable actions as "Jehovah’s organization" before the world. Some of you have also called attention to NWT passages that have been tweaked to support the organization policies. Not to mention those WT doctrines lacking Scriptural basis.
Mainstream churches and their leaders have been caught cheating as well. Many churchgoers have stopped going to church altogether. The don’t trust their leaders one bit. Who can we trust?
God and Christ! That’s who!