Happily. Can you have a happy and fulfilling marriage in this Org? Never married inside jw Org. But have hard time believing a marriage can be happy with all rules and regulations. All free labour and meetings. All the checking up from other members or elders. Not to help but to gossip or judge. Jws don't look happy. What you think.
Can you be happly married in the Org
by Hellothere 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Clearly, you can, because there are many couples who have successful marriages. Both those who stay in the WTS and those who leave. Conversely, neither staying in or leaving means your marriage is guaranteed to be successful - I think it comes down to how hard you both work at it.
I'm biased, we've been married 27 years, about half if it in and half of it out.
My wife and I met at a circuit assembly in 1983 and got married three years later. The biggest trial our relationship ever faced was when I started researching and decided to stop attending meetings - thanks a bunch Ray Franz, Randall Watters and yes, you Simon Green! 🤣
But as far as this topic is concerned, yes, we were happy as married JW's but looking back I'm sure it was despite being JW's.
After the fallout from my exit had settled it wasn't long before my wife did the same. We'll have been together forty years next year, still can't believe how lucky I am.
I was a convert at 20 convinced my then GF it was the "truth" ,we got married in a KH about 18 months later and remained in it for 32 years both ,been out since 1993 ,celebrated our 61st wedding anniversary in Feb.
As nicolaou says maybe it was despite being JW`s .
Both my son`s marriages took place in the "struth" and both failed after a few years .
One son remarried a sister and after a short while both left the religion and have remained happily married for many years.
The other son left the religion and married out of the "struth" and remains happily married for many years now.
Its an interesting subject. I couldn't handle a Uber jw wife that hade to consult elders in every little problem we hade in our marriage. Or having GB tell us what to do and not in bedroom. Seems you guy's hade not a fanatic spouse and that's why it workt out.
Can you have a happy and fulfilling marriage in this Org?
I would say "NO". We need to remember there is a big difference between what may be termed successful or happy. Success does not automatically translate into happy. There are quite a number of people who by all reckoning are successful, but they will say they are not truly happy. BTDT.