For the pass two years I have been successful in quietly fading away from the Org., my immediate members family are active. Recently, I overheard my father discussing the topic of the Public talk and he said that the speaker mention that the secretaries of the congregation were responsible for having copies of the health directives of all the member of the congregation and that the congregation would have blood on their hand if someone died because they were force to have a blood transfusion. Has anyone else heard anything like this?
On the topic of blood, I went for a biopsy last week and when asked what religion I belong to I stupidly said JW. I didn?t realize the consequences of this until a nurse looked at the wrist tag and said that before surgery someone would provide the papers concerning blood transfusions. Everything worked out this time but I am concern if on the outcome of the biopsy I should need further surgery. Does anyone have a similar situation? My family would not sign for a transfusion if I needed one and I don?t want to get disfellowship by making my wishes known.