Current UK circuit overseers by area

by ukpimo 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ukpimo

    I have been reading through old threads discussing Circuit Overseers from the past. I saw a photo of a list from the mid 2000s someone took at London Bethel, which was helpful for that time.

    I'm extremely interested in compiling a list of current Circuit Overseers from across the UK, seeing that the circuits had a massive change in recent years. Any ideas how we can do this without outting ourselves?

  • Escape-to-Victory


    I'm a newbie here but I'll get the ball rolling. Jonathan Hill is the resident CO in Bournemouth Dorset. Not sure what circuit exactly but he has been to my nominal congregation. I'm Pomo

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Errol Flynn is CO for Sussex area. Decent kind of guy.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Prior to Errol Flynn we had Sean Smart, probably one of the best CO's I have ever known. He was moved to Bedfordshire (?) area I think.


  • Escape-to-Victory

    Ok, going back to the two before Jonathan Hill. There was Jonathan Phillips and Jonathan Hepworth. hat trick of Jonathans!

  • Escape-to-Victory

    To the original poster, ukpimo, are you must be able to contribute some names?

  • Irrelevantheretic

    I have been informed that the CO for Norwich is Mr Thoburn. Don't know the first name but allegedly he has been disfellowshipped twice in the past.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    St George of England3 months ago

    Errol Flynn is CO for Sussex area

    Where did he get that name from ?

  • BoogerMan

    Shuggy McNumpty is the C.O. for Govan in Glasgow! 😄

  • ukpimo
    Let's try this thread again. Does anyone have any more names going lately?

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