I didnt get a name yet... Did I miss a thread or something???
Anything doing about the Christmas gift exchange?
by mouthy 9 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Mouthy
can I join your queue. I am still waiting for a further email.
I missed the thread for it this year, I feel left out
Can I play too? How did I miss this gift thing? Do you know who started it Mouthy?
Been there
I have'nt gotten a name yet either. It's cutting it real close for international exchanges. Last I saw Kelpie was begging everyone to get their information in (she provided a list of who had not yet done so).
This thread may help to explain: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/60267/1.ashx
Cheers, Ozzie
Hope everything is ok Kelpie.
If you need any help organising all this, I'm happy to help.
so sorry that i missed the thread about the wedding Kelpie I hope you and your family can work this out somehow....
Am willing to help out too, with Ang, if you're feeling down... or we could do it all if you want-just pm...
Kelpie!!!I dont know anything about the wedding thing? Is there anything any one can do ???I am willing to help in any way.Not with the list- too busy for that ( although I want to be included lol) but an ear ,a shoulder, money troubles, let me know___ I sent you a pm but you didnt pick it up yet ((((HUG))) If this is what your suffering from sweetie. Know that HE SEES ALL-it must have been for the better. Your heart WILL heal.I am jumping the gun I am just surmising this is the problem.....PLEASE let us know your O.K. !!!!!!